I created a blanket with all the textured knitted swatches I've knit this year. It's the size of a lap blanket is quite heavy. The yarn is an acrylic/cotton blend I found here in Chiang Mai.
#knitting #handmade #knit #knitter #stitchpatterns #swatches
#swatches #StitchPatterns #knitter #knit #handmade #knitting
Indian or Ally:
Please consider helping evaluate the success of this design solution.
#nativeAmerican #nativeMastodon #indigenousAmerican #nonProfit #publicGood #goodTrouble #colorDesign #graphicDesign #brandDesign #brandIdentity #communicationDesign #colorCommunication #color #swatches #colorSwatches #focusGroup #allyship #woke #wyt #wypipo #survey #boost
#nativeamerican #nativemastodon #indigenousamerican #nonprofit #publicgood #goodtrouble #colordesign #graphicdesign #branddesign #brandidentity #communicationdesign #colorcommunication #color #swatches #colorswatches #focusgroup #allyship #woke #wyt #wypipo #survey #boost
@WatercolourCurator #watercolor #watercolorpainting #color #swatches
A #purple would make a completed secondary triad with the orange and brighter greens so it's a reasonable choice. Every time I try a dab of a purple, it goes quickly, but then I mix up a purple if I don't have one.
This is a link to the original post about the cleaned up #palette:
Anyway, the handy contenders are:
#palette #purple #swatches #color #watercolorpainting #WaterColor
Reset my #palette tonight after doing a couple paintings today. Made a couple changes and ended up with an empty slot. What shall I add? #watercolor #watercolorpainting #color #swatches
#swatches #color #watercolorpainting #WaterColor #palette
While rummaging for gold ochre, I found another black - bloodstone genuine. I was feeling ready to set up an indoor palette but instead I cleaned up stuff and then since I'd sound the two gold ochres I did swatching and tried them both with French ultramarine to see what I remembered about them making a double granulating non-green. #Watercolor #Watercolorpainting #WorldWatercolorMonth #swatches #granulation
#granulation #swatches #worldwatercolormonth #watercolorpainting #WaterColor
Experimenting with mixing. This is Daniel Smith Sleeping Beauty #Turquoise with some different yellows, transparent red oxide and perm. alizarin crimson. At the bottom with transparent orange. And with a black. Nicely granulating. #WaterColor #watercolorpainting #swatches #paint #colors
#colors #paint #swatches #watercolorpainting #WaterColor #turquoise
Back to #blacks and #grays. I'm almost embarrassed that I was able to add eight more but anyone who knew me in my quilt days will testify I was all about the black fabrics. All Daniel Smith except one Schmincke #Watercolor #Watercolorpainting #swatch #swatches #black #gray
#gray #black #swatches #swatch #watercolorpainting #WaterColor #grays #blacks
Some more preview pages for the pattern book (12, 22, 26 and 39). I ended up going with a layout closer to version A in the end.
#textiledesign #graphicdesign #patterndesign #repeatingpatterns #surfacepatterns #abstractpattern #surfacepatterndesign #swatches #patternmaking #shapes #vectorpattern #layoutdesign #patterns #bookdesigns #layouts #patterndesigner #publishing #swatchbook #designedinscotland #MastoArt #artist
#textiledesign #graphicdesign #patterndesign #repeatingpatterns #surfacepatterns #abstractpattern #surfacepatterndesign #swatches #patternmaking #shapes #vectorpattern #layoutdesign #patterns #bookdesigns #layouts #PatternDesigner #publishing #swatchbook #designedinscotland #MastoArt #artist
Aesthetic Set V1 Pattern Book is going well, got all 42 patterns mocked up. The spreads show the pattern tile, the textures used to create the pattern and the pattern repeating.
Here are spread layout samples, I'm feeling B a lot more as I feel it has a better flow and the texture photo references feel like they have more of a place on the page.
#layoutdesign #graphicdesign #patterndesign #surfacepatterndesign #patterns #bookdesigns #layouts #patterndesigner #publishing #swatches #mastoart
#layoutdesign #graphicdesign #patterndesign #surfacepatterndesign #patterns #bookdesigns #layouts #PatternDesigner #publishing #swatches #MastoArt
Here's a preview shot of all the pieces from the first volume of the aesthetic set. I started working on these back in February so it's satisfying to get this point. I ended up rejecting quite a few designs early on.
The next step is to present these all in an e-book catalogue where you can see all the designs in detail.
#graphicdesign #patterndesign #repeatingpatterns #abstractpattern #surfacepatterndesign #swatches #patternmaking #vectorpattern #aesthetics #patterndesigners #photobashing
#graphicdesign #patterndesign #repeatingpatterns #abstractpattern #surfacepatterndesign #swatches #patternmaking #vectorpattern #aesthetics #patterndesigners #photobashing
Aesthetic Set Volume 1 - Swatch 21
Printed on Organic Half Panama Cotton
(Last one for now)
#textiledesign #graphicdesign #patternlife #patterndesign #textiles #designermakers #pinkaesthetics #fabricart #repeatingpatterns #swatch #color #abstractpattern #surfacepatterndesign #swatches #fabricdesign #printedtextiles #pattern #shapes #MastoArt
#textiledesign #graphicdesign #patternlife #patterndesign #textiles #designermakers #pinkaesthetics #fabricart #repeatingpatterns #swatch #color #abstractpattern #surfacepatterndesign #swatches #fabricdesign #printedtextiles #pattern #shapes #MastoArt
Aesthetic Set Volume 1 - Swatch 20
Printed on Organic Half Panama Cotton
(Two for one today, going on holiday tomorrow)
#textiledesign #graphicdesign #patternlife #patterndesign #textiles #designermakers #redaesthetics #fabricart #repeatingpatterns #swatch #color #abstractpattern #surfacepatterndesign #swatches #fabricdesign #printedtextiles #pattern #shapes #squares #MastoArt
#textiledesign #graphicdesign #patternlife #patterndesign #textiles #designermakers #redaesthetics #fabricart #repeatingpatterns #swatch #color #abstractpattern #surfacepatterndesign #swatches #fabricdesign #printedtextiles #pattern #shapes #squares #MastoArt
Aesthetic Set Volume 1 - Swatch 19
Printed on Organic Half Panama Cotton
(This one might get a rework one day, could do with some more contrast)
#textiledesign #graphicdesign #patternlife #patterndesign #textiles #designermakers #orangeaesthetics #fabricart #repeatingpatterns #swatch #color #abstractpattern #surfacepatterndesign #swatches #fabricdesign #printedtextiles #pattern #shapes #squares #MastoArt
#textiledesign #graphicdesign #patternlife #patterndesign #textiles #designermakers #orangeaesthetics #fabricart #repeatingpatterns #swatch #color #abstractpattern #surfacepatterndesign #swatches #fabricdesign #printedtextiles #pattern #shapes #squares #MastoArt
Aesthetic Set Volume 1 - Swatch 18
Printed on Organic Half Panama Cotton
#textiledesign #graphicdesign #patternlife #patterndesign #textiles #designermakers #greenaesthetics #mintgreen #fabricart #repeatingpatterns #swatch #color #abstractpattern #surfacepatterndesign #swatches #fabricdesign #printedtextiles #pattern #shapes #petal #mastoart
#textiledesign #graphicdesign #patternlife #patterndesign #textiles #designermakers #greenaesthetics #mintgreen #fabricart #repeatingpatterns #swatch #color #abstractpattern #surfacepatterndesign #swatches #fabricdesign #printedtextiles #pattern #shapes #petal #MastoArt
Aesthetic Set Volume 1 - Swatch 17
Printed on Organic Half Panama Cotton
#textiledesign #graphicdesign #patternlife #patterndesign #textiles #designermakers #blueaesthetics #pinkaesthetics #cyan #fabricart #repeatingpatterns #swatch #color #abstractpattern #surfacepatterndesign #swatches #fabricdesign #printedtextiles #pattern #shapes #mastoart
#textiledesign #graphicdesign #patternlife #patterndesign #textiles #designermakers #blueaesthetics #pinkaesthetics #cyan #fabricart #repeatingpatterns #swatch #color #abstractpattern #surfacepatterndesign #swatches #fabricdesign #printedtextiles #pattern #shapes #MastoArt
Aesthetic Set Volume 1 - Swatch 16
Printed on Organic Half Panama Cotton
#textiledesign #graphicdesign #patternlife #patterndesign #textiles #designermakers #blueaesthetics #fabricart #repeatingpatterns #swatch #color #abstractpattern #surfacepatterndesign #swatches #fabricdesign #printedtextiles #pattern #shapes #dots
#textiledesign #graphicdesign #patternlife #patterndesign #textiles #designermakers #blueaesthetics #fabricart #repeatingpatterns #swatch #color #abstractpattern #surfacepatterndesign #swatches #fabricdesign #printedtextiles #pattern #shapes #dots
Aesthetic Set Volume 1 - Swatch 15
Printed on Organic Half Panama Cotton
#textiledesign #graphicdesign #patternlife #patterndesign #textiles #designermakers #greenaesthetics #fabricart #repeatingpatterns #swatch #color #abstractpattern #surfacepatterndesign #swatches #fabricdesign #printedtextiles #pattern #squares #MastoArt
#textiledesign #graphicdesign #patternlife #patterndesign #textiles #designermakers #greenaesthetics #fabricart #repeatingpatterns #swatch #color #abstractpattern #surfacepatterndesign #swatches #fabricdesign #printedtextiles #pattern #squares #MastoArt
Aesthetic Set Volume 1 - Swatch 14
Printed on Organic Half Panama Cotton
#textiledesign #graphicdesign #patternlife #patterndesign #textiles #designermakers #purpleaesthetics #pinkaesthetics #blueaesthetics #fabricart #repeatingpatterns #swatch #color #abstractpattern #surfacepatterndesign #swatches #fabricdesign #printedtextiles #pattern #diamond #florals #MastoArt
#textiledesign #graphicdesign #patternlife #patterndesign #textiles #designermakers #purpleaesthetics #pinkaesthetics #blueaesthetics #fabricart #repeatingpatterns #swatch #color #abstractpattern #surfacepatterndesign #swatches #fabricdesign #printedtextiles #pattern #diamond #florals #MastoArt
Aesthetic Set Volume 1 - Swatch 13
Printed on Organic Half Panama Cotton
#textiledesign #graphicdesign #patternlife #patterndesign #textiles #designermakers #purpleaesthetics #yellowaesthetics #fabricart #repeatingpatterns #swatch #color #abstractpattern #surfacepatterndesign #swatches #fabricdesign #printedtextiles #checker #checkerboard #checkers #mastoart
#textiledesign #graphicdesign #patternlife #patterndesign #textiles #designermakers #purpleaesthetics #yellowaesthetics #fabricart #repeatingpatterns #swatch #color #abstractpattern #surfacepatterndesign #swatches #fabricdesign #printedtextiles #checker #checkerboard #checkers #MastoArt
Aesthetic Set Volume 1 - Swatch 12
Printed on Organic Half Panama Cotton
#textiledesign #graphicdesign #patternlife #patterndesign #textiles #designermakers #purpleaesthetics #yellowaesthetics #fabricart #repeatingpatterns #swatch #color #abstractpattern #surfacepatterndesign #swatches #fabricdesign #printedtextiles #energy #mastoart
#textiledesign #graphicdesign #patternlife #patterndesign #textiles #designermakers #purpleaesthetics #yellowaesthetics #fabricart #repeatingpatterns #swatch #color #abstractpattern #surfacepatterndesign #swatches #fabricdesign #printedtextiles #energy #MastoArt