📬 SWAT-Team stürmt fälschlich Haus von 77-Jähriger
#Artikel #aclu #DenverPoliceDepartment #FindMyApp #GaryStaab #JeremyMcDaniel #RubyJohnson #SWATTeam https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/swat-team-stuermt-faelschlich-haus-von-77-jaehriger-260986.html
#swatteam #rubyjohnson #jeremymcdaniel #garystaab #findmyapp #denverpolicedepartment #aclu #artikel
Liberty For All On today's show of this week's TOP news stories from around the world: #canada brings full #swatteam to arrest #polishpastor #ArturPawlowski for the "crime" of holding church services... You can donate to his freedom fund at saveartur.com Meanwhile, good news out of #france The Nanterre Correctional Court has thrown out charges against populist MP #MarineLePen and MEP #GilbertCollard after the pair posted images of Islamic State abuses on Twitter in 2015. https://www.bitchute.com/video/iaeseuha9YW1/
#GilbertCollard #marinelepen #france #ArturPawlowski #polishpastor #swatteam #canada