Star Wars Celebration vergangenes Wochenende in London. Eine geile Sache, insbesondere, wer gern in Schlangen ansteht. Die Engländer lieben es 😁
Foto: Ein paar Rebellen von der hellen Seite der Macht
#starwarscelebration #swce#swce2023 #starwarscelebration2023
#starwarscelebration #swce #starwarscelebration2023
- oh, and London's weather was mostly nice (but that's irrelevant because we were inside most of the time)
It was really impossible to write down everything. But in the end, it was a "I would do that again" experience. Let's hope for a next time, hopefully if it comes close again (but...Japan!)
As they say: one way out!
And may the Force be with you.
#swce #swce2023 #starwars #london
- speaking of that other Star* world: spotted two brave people with Star Trek TNG uniforms \\//_
- I spent more money than I usually do in such events (but mostly stuff I can daily use for real);
- I'm happy I don't collect pins and patches (I didn't know they were such a big thing here!). On the same note, a whole lot of other collectors items around I'm not interested to, but then the amount of stuff to buy interesting to me was not so big (good!);
#swce #swce2023 #starwars #london
- after years of conventions and similar events, I'm very used to queues (hello there Lucca Comics&Games!) but this was an entire other level: a lot more and longer queues. Well, at least organized queues (let's not start jokes about queues and UK);
- it also really felt a bit cramped together at times. I admit I had a moment of "buffer overflow" the afternoon of the first day. But like Borgs, we improve and adapt... ups, wrong example :-)
#swce #swce2023 #starwars #london
A few takeaways from Star Wars Celebration Europe 2023 (my 1st SWC):
- first, and very briefly, the obvious ones: the surprise announcements, the protagonists (actors, producers, writers, art, special effects, erc), the mood, and so on: I'd just mention a special preview of the next week's Mandalorian episode (no spoiler, this is the way) with a crowd of people cheering/yelling/making noise just at the right time;
#swce #swce2023 #starwars #london
RT @Stephen_Stanton
#StarWars #TheBadBatch will return for a third and final season in 2024. #SWCE Exclusive trailer included Fennec Shand and Wolffe!
via @DiscussingFilm
#StarWars #StarWarsCelebration
#starwarscelebration #swce #thebadbatch #starwars
RT @Stephen_Stanton
Wonderful & heartfelt trip down memory lane with #DaveFiloni & the Cast of #StarWars #TheCloneWars 15 Year Anniversary at #SWCE! ❤️
#swce #theclonewars #starwars #DaveFiloni
RT @DiscussingFilm
Daisy Ridley will return as Rey in Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy’s ‘STAR WARS’ film.
Rey will rebuild the Jedi Order. #SWCE
Ma’am 🥵
RT @DiscussingFilm
New look at Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Hera in ‘AHSOKA’. #SWCE
RT @DiscussingFilm
Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy’s ‘STAR WARS’ film will follow the establishing of a new Jedi Order.
It is set 15 years after ‘THE RISE OF SKYWALKER’. #SWCE
RT @DiscussingFilm
James Mangold will direct a ‘STAR WARS’ film about the first Jedi, described as a biblical epic. #SWCE
RT @DiscussingFilm
Dave Filoni will direct a ‘STAR WARS’ film culminating the events of the ‘MANDOVERSE’. #SWCE
Då #ReedPop arrangerte #StarWarsCelebration Orlando i 2017, gløymte dei heilt bort at 70.000 menneske ikkje berre materialiserer seg med eit poff inni messehallen, men faktisk må gå gjennom inngangsdøra.
På dag 1 hadde Reed éi einaste sluse i drift. Køen gjekk – og dette er ikkje ei overdriving, eg har dobbeltsjekka – over 1,2 kilometer!
Og dette var klokka 6 om morgonen, så køen vart berre større utover dagen. Heilt til nokon kom på den glupe ideen om å opne fleire sluser.
#reedpop #starwarscelebration #swce
Etter pakkesporinga å døme ser festivalpasset mitt ut til å ha ramla i ei sumpmyr, det er varsla vektarstreik på Heathrow, t-bane-lina Elizabeth Line skal vere stengt for vedlikehald, eg fekk det dårlegaste tidspunktet på photo-op-billetten, og eg vann ikkje plass til panela eg hadde mest lyst til i panellotteriet.
Eg håper at alt dette trøbbelet FØR messa betyr at sjølve Star Wars Celebration blir råbra.
Next Star Wars Celebration is in 2025 #StarWars #StarWarsCelebration #SWCE #Blog
#starwars #starwarscelebration #swce #blog
Return of the Jedi at Star Wars Celebration #StarWars #StarWarsCelebration #SWCE #ROTJ
#starwars #starwarscelebration #swce #rotj
Return of the Jedi at Star Wars Celebration #StarWars #StarWarsCelebration #SWCE #ROTJ #Blog
#starwars #starwarscelebration #swce #rotj #blog
Return of the Jedi at Star Wars Celebration #StarWars #StarWarsCelebration #SWCE #ROTJ
#starwars #starwarscelebration #swce #rotj