She shall, to me at least, be forever known as Gillian Fucking Keegan.
The photo accompanying this article suggests she has a fucking thick neck.
Whereas most of her Tory colleagues have a fucking brass neck, sitting on their arses, doing nothing all day…
#linguistics #swearing #gilliankeegan
Perhaps a silly question, but where do we all stand on #swearing in the Fediverse?
I'm an intelligent person with a large vocabulary; there are plenty of words to use to communicate an idea or feeling. But irl, I swear a lot, because I don't think "bad" words aren't bad. There's perhaps a time and a place for them, but they're just words.
So much of the discourse on here is more "polite", than on other platforms, so I'm unsure what the general feeling is. Is this the time/place?
Great moments in swearing: "You gotta be fuckin' kidding"
@stancarey on the use of strong language in John Carpenter's The Thing:
#swearing #TheThing #HorrorMovies #CineMastodon #horror #CultMovies
#swearing #thething #horrormovies #cinemastodon #horror #cultmovies
Fuck yeah #intelligence #swearing
"They are a people of contradictions, and their swearing is no different." @korystamper looks at common Finnish swearwords:
#swearing #profanity #language #swearwords
From the @stronglang archives: Mapping the United Swears of America
and Sweary maps 2: Swear harder
#language #linguistics #swearing #words #cartography #maps #geography
#language #linguistics #swearing #words #cartography #maps #geography
"Buffalo fuckers buffalo fuckers buffalo fuckers buffalo" is a coherent sentence. @sesquiotic has some fun with grammar:
#linguistics #swearing #syntax
Bill Watterson was right about this, too. Swearing does not indicate impoverished vocabulary
#swearing #profanity #vocabulary #linguistics #TabooWords #mythbusting #CalvinAndHobbes #comics
#swearing #profanity #vocabulary #linguistics #taboowords #mythbusting #calvinandhobbes #comics
If your Monday needs music but also filthy language, let me guide you to my Sweary Songs archive on @stronglang: 🎵
#music #swearing #nowplaying #swearysongs
FUBAR and SNAFU are familiar to many of us, but how about JANFU, FUMTU, and WETSU?
Possibly the best fabric collection I have ever seen.
My wife read this article (“No swearing, no singing, no fancy dress: UK’s ‘strictest pub’ calls time”) and thought I’d really struggle with these rules. I raised an eyebrow and she clarified that it was the swearing. She didn’t think I was likely to dress up and start singing, but she did think I’d struggle not to swear. I’ll be honest, I’m a little bit proud about that.
Abso-jesus-lutely not: @gretchenmcc on what swears work (or don't) in expletive infixation
#swearing #infixation #grammar
I've had a few folk complain about my fucking #swearing and use of #obscenity . In response:
A. Read my profile; it provides justification
B. Fuck off
C. I don't give a shit
D. As a retired senior NCO I am licensed by the #georgecarlin institute in free use of the following: #shit #piss #fuck #cunt #cock #cocksucker #motherfucker and #tits
In addition I have certification for: #twat #rim #ass #asshat #spooge #buttfucker
Btw, if ANY of this offends you, PLEASE ignore and block me. Buh-bye.
#swearing #obscenity #georgecarlin #shit #piss #fuck #cunt #cock #cocksucker #motherfucker #tits #twat #rim #ass #asshat #spooge #buttfucker
We have an annual tradition of Tucker Awards for Excellence in Swearing, named after our patron saint. @bgzimmer does the honours:
Let us know if you see something deserving a Tucker!
#swearing #tuckerawards #malcolmtucker
In our very first post, back in December 2014, @sesquiotic explored the phonology of cusswords:
#swearing #cursing #phonology #linguistics #swearwords
You can give a fuck, a hoot, a shit, and a good goddamn. Or not. But how many can you give? @schrisomalis crunched the numbers: #swearing #idioms #linguistics #memes
#swearing #idioms #linguistics #memes