Nando161 · @nando161
732 followers · 32840 posts · Server

"Something you need to understand is that when something “can’t be ” what they mean is “it can be automated, but running a is cheaper.”

Meanwhile, when say something “can’t be automated” they mean “maybe you can automate it but the results will be somewhere between ‘incredibly poor ’ and ‘turns into meat paste’.”

Anyway I feel like that’s a distinction worth mentioning."

#capitalists #say #automated #sweatshop #workers #quality #people

Last updated 1 year ago

Mr.Trunk · @mrtrunk
3 followers · 3383 posts · Server
Nando161 · @nando161
700 followers · 32157 posts · Server

“Haha, isn’t that cute. Now, photo time is over; we need you to reach into the machinery with your little child hands, boy, something’s clogging the gears.”

#slavery #childabuse #australia #AusGov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #capitalism #fascism #sweatshops #sweatshop #childslaves #ChildSlavery

Last updated 1 year ago

A goat :verified: · @nus
640 followers · 8237 posts · Server

Between wanting to recreate (China's state-controlled "everything app" that dictates whether you can even pay rent), lusting after conditions for his workers, and this, is a huge fan of the isn't he

#ccp #ElonMusk #sweatshop #WeChat

Last updated 1 year ago

Lipk · @Lipk
322 followers · 1872 posts · Server

Kledingmerk Patagonia lijkt alles goed te doen: voor zijn werknemers, voor de mensen die de kleding maken en voor het milieu. Het imago van het bedrijf – dat zegt te bestaan om de planeet te redden – is heel anders dan dat van fast-fashionmerken als asos, Primark en Nike. Maar de kleding van Patagonia wordt in precies dezelfde fabrieken gemaakt, onder dezelfde erbarmelijke omstandigheden.

#ftm #kleding #sweatshop

Last updated 1 year ago

Peter M 🎯 · @Pjotrovics
268 followers · 3952 posts · Server

(2) en

..haar, mocht haar man overlijden. Een soort voor de , vastgelegd in hun .

In is een , hoewel verboden, nog heel gebruikelijk voor een als een wil . Als je ouders dat geld niet hebben, dan werken die er zelf voor op jonge leeftijd in een . 😖
Als ik onderstaand lees, dan schrik ik. 3 jaar werken voor een van 500 euro? 😡


#bruidschat #sweatshop #meisjes #trouwen #vrouw #huwelijk #india #huwelijkscontract #bruid #pensioen #mahr #bruidsschat

Last updated 1 year ago

Nando161 · @nando161
583 followers · 28827 posts · Server

bhp mining company admits they are nothing but filthy fascist capitalists and treating their workers like shit on the daily!

#bhp #australia #sweatshop #gold #oil #drugs #gas #mining #AusGov #politas #classwar #union #workers #workerssolidarity

Last updated 1 year ago

Julie Webgirl · @juliewebgirl
562 followers · 2552 posts · Server

It's 86° and I'm... Ironing.


literally LOL

#sweatshop #sewing

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
973 followers · 1856 posts · Server

Today in Labor History March 25, 1911: Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in New York City killed 146 people, mostly immigrant women and young girls who were working in sweatshop conditions. As tragic as this fire was for poor, working class women, over 100 workers died on the job each day in the U.S. in 1911. What was most significant was that this tragedy became a flash point for worker safety and public awareness of sweatshop conditions.

The Triangle workers had to work from 7:00 am until 8:00 pm, seven days a week. The work was almost non-stop. They got one break per day (30 minutes for lunch). For this they earned only $6.00 per week. In some cases, they had to provide their own needles and thread. Furthermore, the bosses locked the women inside the building to minimize time lost to bathroom breaks.

A year prior to the fire, 20,000 garment workers walked off the job at 500 clothing factories in New York to protest the deplorable working conditions. They demanded a 20% raise, 52-hour work week and overtime pay. Over 70 smaller companies conceded to the union’s demands within the first 48 hours of the strike. However, the bosses at Triangle formed an employers’ association with the owners of the other large factories. Soon after, strike leaders were arrested. Some were fined. Others were sent to labor camps. They also used armed thugs to beat up and intimidate strikers. By the end of the month, almost all of the smaller factories had conceded to the union. By February, 1910, the strike was finally settled.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #triangleshirtwaistfire #workplacedeaths #strike #union #immigrant #sweatshop #childlabor

Last updated 1 year ago

GKoraus · @GKoraus
16 followers · 73 posts · Server
Elaine Anderson · @chipati
114 followers · 228 posts · Server

Weird Marketplace Find of the Day. Here's a political/social statement to counter all that consumerism most of us have endured this season. This is a custom-made piece of art (so not a toy) that not so subtly calls out shoe manufacturers for their use of child labour. There is a good book on this called No Logo by Canadian author Naomi Klein. It's a bit dated now.

#weirdmarketplace #nike #sweatshop #consumerism #sneakers #runningshoes #trainers #childlabor #art #buyandsell

Last updated 2 years ago

@matthew_d_green airdrop those people some money - foxxcon is a con and a good example of govt and corp complicity city


Last updated 2 years ago

Sapere Aude · @textbook
347 followers · 34119 posts · Server

@wuffel @helles_sachsen

Ja, oder einem mit prekären Listenabhakern.

Eine Grauzone wie jedes .

#grenzland #sweatshop

Last updated 2 years ago

WrathofJan 🌞🖖🌞 · @JDignum
17 followers · 598 posts · Server
Khurram Wadee ✅ · @mkwadee
1033 followers · 10917 posts · Server
MusiqueNow :newpride: · @MusiqueNow
356 followers · 11196 posts · Server

Can Lovers Survive Working In A ? ( ) |

Six young fashion lovers swap shopping for the factories and backstreet workshops of India to learn how the clothes they wear are manufactured.Six young fash...

#fashionistas #fashion #sweatshop #social #documentary #RealStories #labour #labourexploitation

Last updated 3 years ago

Surplus value: ’s ‘Tax the Rich’ dress designer reportedly runs ‘’ of unpaid interns, owes thousands in @ftl

#aoc #sweatshop #taxes #ProgressivePrivilege

Last updated 3 years ago

· @k_jauna
12 followers · 16 posts · Server

Gizartea errotik eraldatu nahi duen koalizio baten EHko hiriburu bateko bozeramailea Nike zapatilak jantzita ikustean kortozirkuitoa sortu zait ariman

#esanbeharnuen #sweatshop

Last updated 4 years ago

Activist · @aktivismoEstasMiaLuo
258 followers · 2118 posts · Server
I Amazon b/c I don't want a single penny of mine to empower them. They finance , they hire members & , and their excessive packaging is wasteful. Apart from issues, Amazon is an extreme & they are likely the world's biggest spender on . Their AWS is the cause of widespread . So is evil in countless ways.

#boycott #climatedenial #alec #FedEx #ups #climate #sweatshop #facialrecognition #centralization #amazon

Last updated 5 years ago