2/2 Jatk.:
"That sparked a tweet from former #ChristianDemocrats chair and interior minister Päivi Räsänen, whose conservative party is in the cabinet. She asked: "With whose permission and decision did the Council of State participate in the Helsinki Pride 2023 event?"
In a reply, #Adlercreutz said: "Naturally, the Council of State participates in an event that supports equality."
#Räsänen #KD #CD #SwedishPeoplesParty #RKP #SFP #SPP #HelsinkiPride #Pride #hallitus #Valtioneuvosto
#adlercreutz #rasanen #kd #rkp #pride #hallitus #valtioneuvosto #christiandemocrats #cd #swedishpeoplesparty #spp #sfp #helsinkipride
1/2 HAH! #Räsänen on tänään herpannut, koska #hallitus on osallistunut #Valtioneuvosto na #HelsinkiPride en.
"Anders #Adlercreutz was part of a delegation from the #SwedishPeoplesParty that marched in the parade. He also marched with a group carrying a banner reading Council of State, i.e., the government."
#RKP #SFP #SPP #KD #CD #Pride #ChristianDemocrats
#swedishpeoplesparty #spp #cd #christiandemocrats #rasanen #hallitus #valtioneuvosto #helsinkipride #adlercreutz #rkp #kd #pride #sfp