New #RCT from the University of Liverpool suggests #LowCalorie #Sweeteners in beverages are no better or worse than plain water for weight loss.
#Artificial #sweeteners a possible carcinogenic hazard to #humans #health
#artificial #sweeteners #humans #health
A new guideline from the World Health Organization @WHO on nonsugar #sweeteners (NSSs) recommends not using them to control weight or reduce the risk for #diabetes, #heartDisease, or #cancer
#sweeteners #diabetes #heartdisease #cancer
"World Health Organization (#who)Warns #Against Using #Artificial #sweeteners
Continued consumption doesn’t reduce weight and could increase the risk of Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and mortality in adults, the W.H.O. said on Monday[…]"
#sweeteners #artificial #against #who
“Deadly long-term consequences” from non-sugar #sweeteners? Someone @WHO is not anchored to the #truth. In #PublicHealth, this harms people and communities. Fibs are bad. Even if you think you can rationalize them.
#sweeteners #truth #publichealth
It's Official: Artificial #Sweeteners Don't Work For Weight Loss, #WHO Says
From 15 May: Diet sodas are not actually good for your diet, WHO guidance suggests - Enlarge / Packets of Equal and Splenda in a coffee bar in New York in 2016. Getty Richar... #artificial-sweetener #beverage #cardiovascular-disease #diabetes #food #health #science #sugar #sweeteners #weight-loss #who
#who #weight #sweeteners #sugar #science #health #food #diabetes #cardiovascular #beverage #artificial
Vicious cycle looms
As buyers wait for sweeteners
Government steps in
#bankbuying #governmentassistance #sweeteners #haiku #poetry
#bankbuying #governmentassistance #sweeteners #haiku #poetry
Exactly What #Science Says About #Artificial #Sweeteners—And How They Impact Your #Health
#science #artificial #sweeteners #health
Stomach complaints? diabetic? Inflammations? Allergies? Sleep problems? Overweight? Malaise?
#Microbiome #Sweeteners
Then follow him on yt and be sure to watch also #TheFatLies
This video is short, and the subject sounds different from above details, but watch, all explained in this short clip.
#microbiome #sweeteners #thefatlies
#KnowledgeByte: In a recent study published in Nature Medicine, the popular artificial sweetener #Erythritol, which is used as a sugar substitute in many low-calorie, low-carb and keto products, has been linked to heightened risk of heart attack, stroke and death.
Know more about #Articial #Sweeteners and their corresponding health benefits and risks.
#sweeteners #articial #erythritol #knowledgebyte
Wie een #zoetje in de koffie of thee mikt in plaats van #suiker en denkt dat het gezonder is, kan daar maar beter mee stoppen. Want dat is het niet.
Nieuw gepubliceerd onderzoek in #BritishMedicalJournal wijst duidelijk in de richting van verhoogd risico op hart-vaatziekten, met name als er aspartaam, sucralose en acesulfaam-K in zit.
#kunstmatigezoetstof #sweeteners #cardiovasculardiseases #koffie #thee #coffee #tea #VoedingsToot #Research
#zoetje #suiker #britishmedicaljournal #kunstmatigezoetstof #sweeteners #cardiovasculardiseases #koffie #thee #coffee #tea #voedingstoot #research
Random question of the week: how can a #parrot tell that something has #sweeteners in WITHOUT tasting it? Does it look different in their bit of the #spectrum or something?
Long read on the science of how artificial sweeteners might be making things worse instead of better. There's been some publications this year, haven't read the papers, annoyingly this essay mostly dodges the fact that #sweeteners are in processed foods and more sweeteners=more processed foods and effects may be from something else about the food processing.
But we now know that some of them affect the insulin cycle just like sugar. They all change the gut microbiome.
“… [sweeteners] … will face further scrutiny to ensure we’re not replacing one so-called evil (sugar) with another (sweeteners).”
A quote from my #book about drinks where I mention uncertainty around the effects of #sweeteners despite being promoted as healthy alternatives to #sugar. Great to see the issue in today’s Guardian:
#science #health
#book #sweeteners #sugar #Science #health
“… [sweeteners] … will face further scrutiny to ensure we’re not replacing one so-called evil (sugar) with another (sweeteners).”
A quote from my #book about drinks where I mention uncertainty around the effects of #sweeteners despite being promoted as healthy alternatives to #sugar. Great to see the issue in today’s Guardian:
#science #health
#book #sweeteners #sugar #Science #health
#Knowledge Byte: What are #Artificial #Sweeteners? Are these safe to consume?
#sweeteners #artificial #knowledge
I can't recommend per se (not an MD), but other things that have shown to be anabolic to bone, mainly in pre-clinical studies (mice), include xylitol & spermidine.
I've found my Boggle game suffers when I consume xylitol, tho. It's derived from either corn or birch & I'm allergic to both - but there shouldn't be enough allergen in final product to matter. Also, corn usually makes me itch.
review on xylitol -
#sweeteners #xylitol #bone #NaturalProducts