@JamieWitter I'm just avoiding the whole game and rooting for the #SweetMeteorOfDeath to hit the stadium
It would be funny if NASA hitting that asteroid changed its trajectory to send it on a collision course with the earth. #SweetMeteorOfDeath
Send us thine Asteroid, O Lord #sweetmeteorofdeath
I'm voting 'bout:
#MedicareforAll π―
and everything else we been talking about for DECADES...
#jaded but gonna vote anyway because it's my right as a woman.
So, if it all turns to absolute shyte in the near future...
I know who I'll be voting for next election (2020)
#smod #sweetmeteorofdeath #jaded #workingpoor #homelessness #guncontrol #costofliving #studentdebt #infrastructure #waterislife #curesnotwars #legalizeit #MedicareForAll #disabledrights #victimsrights #lgbtqrights #womensrights #HumanRights