Meet the Voice Actors Fighting for Accessibility On and Behind the Screen - Voice actors with disabilities are only now getting a seat at the table in the gaming ind... - #culture/videogames #sweetnothings #culture
(This also means an absurdly small percentage of an immensely small percentage of a mere 5% of all matter in the universe #Creates literally all the #Music, #Poetry, #Love, & #Hate in #Existence; all the #Lies told, #Heroics performed, & #Dreams dreamt; everything #Imagined & #Hoped; all #Atrocities committed, #SweetNothings whispered, and #Fears holding us back; everything #Good & #Bad & #Moral & #Immoral; all #Abuses perpetrated & suffered, #Discoveries made, & #Truths determined.)
#creates #music #poetry #love #hate #existence #lies #heroics #dreams #imagined #hoped #atrocities #sweetnothings #fears #good #bad #moral #immoral #abuses #discoveries #truths