🚨 Related to this thread, I just spotted an interesting Microsoft open-source code copyright violation lawsuit connected to its GitHub Copilot AI service/feature based on OpenAI tech...
#Microsoft #GitHub #Copilot #AI #OpenAI #OSS #OpenSource #Copyright #Lawsuit #GameDev #SWDev #SoftwareDevelopmer #Coder #Developer #SWEngineer #SoftwareEngineer #DataPrivacy
#dataprivacy #softwareengineer #swengineer #developer #coder #softwaredevelopmer #swdev #gamedev #lawsuit #copyright #opensource #oss #openai #ai #copilot #github #microsoft
It's been a few weeks that I've joined the #mastodon bandwagon. Time for a proper #introduction!
Computer/videogame enthusiast since the early '80s. CS graduate w/ a not-so-exciting daily job as #swengineer. Been flexing my coding muscles with #gamedev since the C64. Loved the Amiga days (MC68000 FTW!).
Currently working on a 2D oriented game-engine.
You can read my (occasional) rants here
Information on my game engine here
#gamedev #swengineer #introduction #mastodon