MOP Podcast 411: #ThroneandLiberty, #NewWorld, #Wayfinder, #DDO, #RIFT, #LOTRO, #ElderScrollsOnline, #SWGLegends, & more from the best #MMORPG podcast in town!
#throneandliberty #newworld #wayfinder #ddo #rift #lotro #elderscrollsonline #swglegends #mmorpg
Star Wars Galaxies rogue server SWG Legends celebrates seventh anniversary with today’s patch #SWG #SWGLegends #StarWarsGalaxies
#swg #swglegends #starwarsgalaxies
SWG Legends just patched in a bunch of long-running player requests #StarWarsGalaxies #SWGLegends
SWG Legends’ Ewok Festival of Love is the most cursed Valentine’s Day event in MMOs #StarWarsGalaxies #SWGLegends
SWG Legends rogue server is finally back online after four-day outage #swg #StarWarsGalaxies #SWGLegends
#swg #starwarsgalaxies #swglegends
So here's something random: On #SWGLegends, I have a bin where I "age" containers. Containers are one of the only things in-game that can be edited post-creation and colorized with hex codes, and all items in the game have a hidden creation date.