@dsalo You might start with this blog post by Fabian Steeg who is part of our team and co-chairing the group together with @pintoch : https://www.w3.org/community/reconciliation/2021/01/04/supporting-reconciliation-from-a-library-perspective/
The post links to slides and recording of a #swib20 lightning talk that gives a good overview and provides relevant links. #reconciliation
@emacsomancer We ran #swib20 & #swib21 with the help of @collocall . BBB for workshops plus a live stream for the main track and Mattermost (ColloChat) for conference chat. And very competent and friendly support.
@naturzukunft @literarymachine SkoHub Vocabs, das Publikationstool für Klassifikationen und andere kontrollierte Vokabulare wird in verschiedenen Kontexten produktiv eingesetzt. Siehe dazu auch unsere Materialien für den SkoHub Workshop bei der #swib20 : https://github.com/skohub-io/swib20-workshop/blob/main/resources/README.md
Die PubSub-Sachen mit ActivityPub werden allerdings soweit ich weiß bisher in keinem produktiven Anwendungsfall genutzt.
Recordings, slides and workshop material from #swib20 are now linked from the programme page: https://swib.org/swib20/programme.html
"delay labels update" to counter vandalism (here: #wikidata) if you enrich your data #swib20 (id.loc.gov and Wikidata at https://swib.org/swib20/programme.html)
@acka47 @dbs @collocall Yes, #swib20 might have been very different without the fediverse. ;-)
You can still register for #swib20 and join the discussions and professional exchange taking place on Mattermost: https://swib.org/swib20/
The fourth day of #swib20 will start in six hours, see the countdown to the livestream at https://streaming.collocall.de.
The slides and recording of the talks from the previous days as well as workshop material from day 2 are available online.
Slides: https://github.com/swibcon/swib20/tree/main/slides
YouTube playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7fMsenbLiQ2tONyYij7lg6B00tvzjEKk
@dbs @swib Thanks, Dan! I am really happy with how this worked out so far. Creadits and a big thank you go to @collocall for doing a great job with the hosting.
BTW, I first learned about ColloCall on Mastodon via this toot by Henning who is doing admin & support for #swib20 as well as the YouTube uploads: https://mastodon.social/@hng/104080691328153811
Slides for the "Automated Subject Indexing" session at #swib20:
(For now, we are collecting the slides on GitHub and we'll then put them on the website in bulk.)
The really great & inspiring #swib20 keynote by Audrey Tang is available via the SWIB20 YouTube playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7fMsenbLiQ2tONyYij7lg6B00tvzjEKk
We plan to upload all the talks asap after every session, see also the FAQ: https://pad.gwdg.de/s/HJ-islowP#Will-the-conference-sessions-be-recorded
RT @HWiesenmueller@twitter.com
There is an interactive map (based on Wikidata) which shows the institutions of the participants at the #SWIB20 - definitely an international conference: https://tinyurl.com/y2fohzqz
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HWiesenmueller/status/1330877103458447360
The #SWIB20 keynote by Taiwan's Digital Minister Audrey Tang is now available via the SWIB20 YouTube playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7fMsenbLiQ2tONyYij7lg6B00tvzjEKk.
Liked the key note from Audrey Tang. As I have also a Sense Box on my balcony. This is my favourite visualization by now: https://platform.hackair.eu/ #swib20
I'm looking forward to #SWIB20 which will start today (livestream and registration: https://swib.org/swib20) and I'm especially excited about the keynote on #OpenData and #SocialInnovation by Taiwan's Digital Minister Audrey Tang at 15:00 CET.
#SocialInnovation #opendata #swib20
#swib20 will start today. See the programme (with start times in UTC!) at https://swib.org/swib20/programme.html. The stream will be running at https://streaming.collocall.de/.
For the best conference experience you should be a registered participant & logged into the Mattermost instance. Registration is still open: https://swib.org/swib20/registration.html
#swib20 just reached 500 registered participants! Thanks for all the interest, we are looking forward to the conference.