@SemAntiKast @phu @HWiesenmueller @v_i_o_l_a Hmm. Dort war das ja schon öfter Thema, beginnend mit @csarven's dokie.li Workshop bei der #swib17 und dann vor allem @hochstenbach's Beiträge bei der #swib21 und #swib22 . Da ist die Latte etwas höher, wenn mensch was Neues erzählen möchte. Interessant wäre sicher ein Überblick/Vergleich der beiden Ansätze "föderierte Server" (Fediverse) vs. dezentrale Pods (Solid).
« Thanks to all presenters and moderators of the two Thursday sessions at #swib22. Recordings will soon be available via this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7fMsenbLiQ2xcclhSnk1nv752E4N_Nqx »
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You will find most of the presentation slides of #swib22 linked from the programme page at https://swib.org/swib22/programme.html
We will also add links to the recordings to the page, until then you can watch the recordings via the YouTube playlist at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7fMsenbLiQ2xcclhSnk1nv752E4N_Nqx
We are looking forward to next SWIB where we'll meet in person again. #swib23 will happen in Berlin on September 11th to 13th. Thanks to @stabi_berlin for providing the venue! #swib22 #swib23
That's a wrap with #SWIB22. Thank you @swib, always a great conference. Looking forward to #SWIB23 which will happen in Berlin (11-13 November)
PS: they tell us that the weather is nicer two weeks earlier, I'm telling you the weather is never really nice in Berlin mid-November ;)
That's a wrap with #SWIB22. Thank you @swib, always a great conference. Looking forward to #SWIB 23 which will happen in Berlin (11-13 November)
PS: they tell us that the weather is nicer two weeks earlier, I'm telling you the weather is never really nice in Berlin mid-November ;)
#swib22 is closing. Thanks to the speakers, workshops facilitators, the programme committee members, the organizing team & all participants for another SWIB we have enjoyed very much!
The application of #IIIF and #LOD in digital humanities: a case study of the dictionary of wooden slips by Sophy Shu-Jiun Chen and Lu-Yen Lu
Data Linkage between LOD and IIIF through the seeAlso property
link the LOD-based descriptive metadata of an object or a Chinese character with its image data embedded in the IIIF Manifest
Image Annotation compatible with the Web Annotation Data Model (WADM)
- The current structure of faceted annotation contains WADM's motivations, tagging, describing, commenting, and classifying for different annotation purposes
#iiif #lod #loud #LODLAM #swib22
I’m enjoying being warm on the couch for the last morning of #swib22 but my companion has taken it to the next level of cozy
Principles for the Digital Scriptorium (DS) 2.0 Redevelopment
- Minimal data entry standards
- Members manage their own metadata (formats and values)
- DS 2.0 does not host images (--> #IIIF)
- DS 2.0 will provide semantic enrichment
- Open Access
More information about DS 2.0: https://digital-scriptorium.org/ds-2-0/
"LOD Applications" is the title of the last session at #swib22. It will start in a few minutes. As usual, join the live stream via https://swib.org/swib22/
In the end, we managed to get this deployed for #swib22 week, although this was rather last minute.
Thanks to all presenters and moderators of the two Thursday sessions at #swib22. Recordings will soon be available via this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7fMsenbLiQ2xcclhSnk1nv752E4N_Nqx
We are also running this poll on the bird site and will soon post a poll in the #swib22 mattermost chat.
« Get ready for day two of #swib22! The first Tuesday session "Linked Library Data II" is about to start in a few minutes. Follow the live stream via https://swib.org/swib22/index.html. https://t.co/kvUELxrGjA »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/swibcon/status/1598345009194901504
There seems to be a problem with crossposting to the bird site. We thought about deactivating the account there anyway. What is your opinion on this?
@swib Artem Reshetnikov's slide "Fairness in GLAM" shows how AI, based on the data of our "white male supreme" culture, perpetuates manifested sexist and racist etc. view of the world. This talk follows up @stacymallison "
Libraries, linked data, and #decolonization" keynote. One has to pay attention when using #AI techniques. #swib22