We recently have been developing a generic #SKOS #reconciliation service (still in early beta). You upload a turtle file of a SKOS vocab and get back the URL of a reconciliation endpoint. This might also come handy in different use cases presented at #swib23. @acka47 will try to give a short demo later.
Really appreciate that the presenter mic at #SWIB23 is good enough that presenters don’t have to unmask. And shout out to Steve Folsom for a really interesting presentation about vocabulary infrastructure.
Just in time for #swib23, we at Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID) managed to finally open up our Skosmos vocabulary service to the public: https://vocabs.leibniz-psychology.org
Yesterday, we discussed in a workshop how a truly shared cataloging system could work. What irks me about such discussions is that they start off from a flawed scholarly communication system.
Today, @csarven presents the existing standards and building blocks for a truly web-based scholarly communication & publication system which sets a whole different background where e.g. metadata wouldn't be kept separately from actual publications but be embedded or attached to them as annotations. #swib23
Inherently Social, Decentralised, and for Everyone:
Glad to see more libraries finally actually migrating from MARC (and other formats) to BIBFRAME /RDF - such as the National Library Board Singapore as presented by Richard Wallis at #swib23
I'm sad I can't attend #swib23 but well, who planned it during my holiday? ;) I hope to make it next year.
The roles libraries can play in building a better web. https://csarven.ca/presentations/inherently-social-decentralised-and-for-everyone?full#what-role-could-libraries-play #swib23
Bookmarking this IETF note referenced by @csarven in his #swib23 keynote: Centralization, Decentralization, and Internet Standards https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-nottingham-avoiding-internet-centralization-12.html
Event Notifications https://www.eventnotifications.net in @carven zoo of standards #swib23 Made by librarians for librians https://csarven.ca/presentations/inherently-social-decentralised-and-for-everyone?full#an-ocean-of-standards
"Interoperability at some point touches on standards... You have a common ground on what the rules are." #swib23
Sarven was working on StatusNet (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_social) in 2010. For more background, see also his recent "story of procrastination of epic proportions, making connections, and having fun": https://csarven.ca/okieli-dokieli #swib23
Happy to have you back at SWIB, @csarven's! The keynote "Inherently Social, Decentralised, and for Everyone" just started. Slides can be found at https://csarven.ca/presentations/inherently-social-decentralised-and-for-everyone #swib23
Silke Schomburg briefly mentioned the #Wikidata talk by Markus Krötzsch at #swib14. See the slides at https://swib.org/swib14/slides/kroetzsch_swib14_53.pdf #swib23
View all the #swib23 posts on this Mastowall: https://rstockm.github.io/mastowall/?hashtags=swib23&server=https://openbiblio.social (thanks to @rstockm for setting it up)
This week our colleague Ann Tan will present our work "The DDB Collection and the Challenges of Legacy Metadata" at #SWIB23
@fizise @epoz @tabea @sashabruns #ddb #digitallibraries #knowledgegraphs #semanticweb #reconciliation #gnd #frbr #ontologies
#swib23 #ddb #digitallibraries #KnowledgeGraphs #semanticweb #reconciliation #gnd #frbr #ontologies
Links to the slides for the "**Truly shared cataloging ecosystem development" **workshop: https://bit.ly/SWIB23-ECO #swib23