Unlocking Advanced Core Data Features in SwiftData by @fatbobman
#swift #swiftlang #iosdev #macdev
Shake to undo in a SwiftUI app by @deanatoire
#swift #swiftlang #iosdev #macdev
Thanks to this week’s sponsor, @revenuecat. Build, test, and optimize paywalls with ease using RevenueCat Paywalls. Customize native, remotely configurable paywall templates, then test and experiment to find what helps your app turn the most downloads into subscribers.
#swift #swiftlang #iosdev #macdev
Oh, nice, on the redesigned #Swift website there is now for example a very simple tutorial on how to build command line tools w/ argument parsing with Swift - maybe I'll finally try this one day 🤔 https://www.swift.org/getting-started/cli-swiftpm/
Did you miss Friday’s issue? I started with some words on whether the iPhone might get a completely different camera layout this year. 💡
#swift #swiftlang #iosdev #macdev
L'Attuale forza economica del dollaro e i BRICS. Il dollaro americano è la valuta di riserva mondiale da oltre un secolo. È utilizzato in gran parte delle transazioni commerciali e finanziarie internazionali, ed è la valuta in cui sono detenuti i maggiori riserve valutarie mondiali.
La forza economica del dollaro è dovuta a una serie di fattori...
#BRICS #Commercioglobale #Dollaro #FederalReserve #Inflazione #sentiment #StatiUniti #SWIFT
#BRICS #commercioglobale #dollaro #federalreserve #inflazione #sentiment #statiuniti #swift
The final episode of my series "Writing Swift-friendly Kotlin Multiplatform APIs" is out. I am talking about flows
#kotlin #swift #AndroidDev #multiplatform
I’ve been making some really good progress on a new app, and learning some cool stuff about #Swift project organisation along the way.
I had to take a step away from Mastodon a couple of months back, and part of that was putting another app on an indefinite pause. The new app was more about putting some fun back into iOS dev, given it’s really just a hobby at this point.
Onwards! 😀
Using new data analysis tool on Swift, scientists discover black hole snacking on a star
Scientists, using NASA’s Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory, have discovered a black hole that is continuously… The post Using new data analysis tool on Swift, scientists discover black hole snacking on a star appeared first on NASASpaceFlight.com .
#Featured #Other #Science #black_holes #NASA #Neil_Gehrels_Swift_Observatory #Star #swift #Swift_J0230 #tidal_
#featured #other #science #black_holes #nasa #neil_gehrels_swift_observatory #star #swift #swift_j0230 #tidal_
#10yrsago NSA broke into networks of Brazil’s president; state oil company, Google Brazil, and #SWIFT, for “economic” reasons https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2013-09-08/u-s-government-spied-on-brazil-s-petrobras-globo-tv-reports
#5yrsago #Motorola patents a robocop #AutonomousCar that brethalyzes, mirandizes you, calls your lawyer and collects your bail https://patents.google.com/patent/US10049419B1/en?oq=10049419
#5yrsago A #PublicBank for LA: instead of sending hundreds of millions to predatory finance, Angelenos’ taxes can fund community development https://whowhatwhy.org/economy/business/banking-on-the-public-option-will-la-lead-the-way-for-people-owned-banks/
#10yrsago #swift #5yrsago #motorola #autonomouscar #publicbank
And now unto #swift Just finished day1 of #100DaysOfSwiftUI - variables, constants, strings, numbers
UN bieten Russland Erleichterungen bei Dünger-Export an
Medienberichten zufolge will UN-Generalsekretär den sanktionierten Export russischen Düngers wieder erleichtern. Ziel ist, den Kreml zu einer Rückkehr zum Getreideabkommen mit der Ukraine zu bewegen.
#getreideabkommen #un #guterres #swift #eu
iOS Dev Weekly, Issue 626 is out. Happy Friday, everyone! 🚀
#swift #swiftlang #iosdev #macdev
We are excited to announce the release of the latest version of #XcodeProj, 8.15.0! This update includes support for the new attribute preferredScreenCaptureFormat in scheme test actions. Check out the release on GitHub:
#Xcode #Swift
Exciting "Apps at Scale" series with Trendyol! Renowned for e-commerce and innovative iOS app development. In this interview, we explore Trendyol's organization, project framework, code architecture, productivity, and processes. Did you know Trendyol manages 230 modules through Tuist? Their dependency management system and testing approach with over 25K tests highlight their focus on quality products. Read the full interview here:
@krzyzanowskim@mastodon.social Any updates on SwiftStudio?
Is it possible to have a #Swift struct that is returned via a function, but that you can’t create an instance of directly?
var myStruct = creator.getAStruct()
Not allowed:
var myStruct = AStruct()
Can access controls do this?
Last few weeks: set up two #Unity projects, a #Swift Apple Watch project, Sign in with Apple, switched to Cloudflare for DNS, and a ton of other stuff. Now I'm setting up a #SvelteKit project and over the last 6-12 months there have been So. Many. Changes.
I'm basically getting it all working now, but man. The new project setup and just getting to Hello World... oof.
Another little improvement to swift-format: if you made a typo in your configuration, you’ll get a warning instead of the rule “doing nothing”! #swift #opensource https://github.com/apple/swift-format/pull/612