I went on the Swift Summer Solstice Overnight with my shop this past weekend, and it was a really fun time. It was great finding out my bike was actually a fairly practical distance rig, and a very fun first group ride for me. My roommate even tagged along on his old three speed Raleigh. It was his first time riding outside of the city, and his very first time camping, and truthfully there couldn't have been a better possible group for him to get this kind of experience with.
We were also joined by truemarmalade.com who's been out touring on an Omnium for the past one-two years, and was the main photographer of the group. All the shots below were snapped by him.
I'm hoping for more bike camping in my future, hopefully getting far enough out I can see the stars again soon!
#BikeToot #BikeBoston #SwiftCampout #BikeCamping #HammockCamping
#biketoot #bikeboston #swiftcampout #bikeCamping #HammockCamping
sorry, was busy pedalling
Solstice campout, aka Swift Campout, has drawn a lot of riders to camp together at Porpoise Bay Campground
#SolsticeCampout #SolsticeRide #SwiftCampout #bikepacking #BikeTouring
#biketouring #bikepacking #swiftcampout #solsticeride #solsticecampout