Anyone know of any examples for making a custom data struct conform to Plottable?
Unlocking Advanced Core Data Features in SwiftData by @fatbobman
#swift #swiftlang #iosdev #macdev
Shake to undo in a SwiftUI app by @deanatoire
#swift #swiftlang #iosdev #macdev
Thanks to this week’s sponsor, @revenuecat. Build, test, and optimize paywalls with ease using RevenueCat Paywalls. Customize native, remotely configurable paywall templates, then test and experiment to find what helps your app turn the most downloads into subscribers.
#swift #swiftlang #iosdev #macdev
Did you miss Friday’s issue? I started with some words on whether the iPhone might get a completely different camera layout this year. 💡
#swift #swiftlang #iosdev #macdev
iOS Dev Weekly, Issue 626 is out. Happy Friday, everyone! 🚀
#swift #swiftlang #iosdev #macdev
@twostraws We should also encourage our skilled colleagues to speak at local meetups which will prepare them to speak at bigger events. Last night we had our first Swift Language User Group/CocoaHeads meetup in 3 years. It will continue monthly and I hope our mix of local speakers are invited to Swift conferences next. #SLUG #CocoaHeads #SwiftLang
@redalemeden It would be great to see #SwiftLang on Mastodon. I see the Twitter link at the bottom of that page. @finestructure
I am unreasonably excited about this #SwiftLang pitch for generalized tuple conformances, built on top of parameter packs. Hashable tuples here we come!!!
@MartianCraft This is a good example for inline code. It works well with a protocol which can span multiple releases.
See the package linked below which supports using Reachability for older releases and Network for more current releases.
This is the code which determines which one to create. #SwiftLang
#SwiftLang SE-0408 "Pack iteration" is under review now! This proposal makes it possible to use Swift's loop with parameter packs in an obvious and powerful way. We'd love your input over at
Plussing your iOS app by @samhenrigold
#swift #swiftlang #iosdev #macdev
Swift Typo Detector by Manu Herrera
#swift #swiftlang #iosdev #macdev
Get to your search results faster with a few useful bookmarklets. #SwiftLang #Apple
Running Code When Your View Appears by @chris
#swift #swiftlang #iosdev #macdev
Enabling drag reordering in SwiftUI lazy grids and stacks by @danielsaidi and @ramzesenok
#swift #swiftlang #iosdev #macdev
Automated accessibility audits in Xcode 15 by Pol Piella
#swift #swiftlang #iosdev #macdev
I find this pattern works really well when you need a task that only runs when a View is on screen and the app is in the foreground, for example to drive an animation.
When the task's `id` parameter changes, a new task will be created and the previous one will be canceled.
So if we choose `scenePhase` as an `id`, we’ll get a new task for every phase. All we need to do is terminate all of them except the `.active` ones.