#SwiftPackageManager seems to support an iosApplication product but only inside swiftpm bundle for Playground support and nothing is documented of courses 😆
I guess there’s no way to really implement my unit tests inside the package.
#swift #ios #iosdev https://mastodon.top/@sgamel/110926122883018665
#swiftpackagemanager #swift #ios #iosdev
Have you ever wanted to create your own #Swift Package? Let me show you how to do this. Include assets as well with your package. A starter project is included, but you can cut to the chase by going directly to 4:21 in the video #SwiftPackageManager
Hey #SwiftUI experts, when using SwiftUI Previews in a Swift Packages, are PreviewProviders automatically removed from the package when archiving an app, as it is the case with a app, or not?
If not, how to deal with that?
I’m not sure we can use compiler directives like if DEBUG in packages, can we?
#swiftui #xcode #spm #swiftpackagemanager
When using Swift Packages in Xcode, is there a way to exclude files conditionally (in DEBUG or similar)? I know I can exclude files but I want them while in development.
I have a package that contains developments resource/assets (used to seed a Core Data database for the simulator + for Previews, with images and files), but I don't want to include these files in the package used by the real app when archiving.
Can we achieve that?
#xcode #swift #swiftpackagemanager #iOS #iosdev #coredata
I can't export Localizations for my iOS app or the SPM packages used by this iOS app with Xcode Product > Export Localizations.
The packages only specify the iOS platform but it seems Xcode also compiles the app/modules for macOS (whereas the supported destinations for the app are iOS and iPadOS).
I posted more details here: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/725395
Any idea how to have this export work?
#xcode #swift #swiftpackagemanager #spm #xcodelocalization
@jerosanchez Yo es que más pestañas abiertas en el navegador no quiero asà que suelo usar apps nativas de #MacOS o de ##iOS que se puedan ejecutar en #M1 asà queda todo recogidito :) por ahora he encontrado MastodonKit que es un #SwiftPackageManager
#macos #ios #m1 #swiftpackagemanager
Moving my final dependencies to #SwiftPackageManager included Crashlytics. ‘Interesting’ to see all the additional dependencies Firebase brings in when only the Crashlytics library enabled. Xcode (to my knowledge?) doesn’t provide a way to hide dependencies under the importing package, so they aren’t staring at me every day.
Advice on alternatives to Crashlytics? All I want is notifications any time my app crashes, with stack traces. (Feels like Apple’s opt-in system too limiting.)
#SwiftPackageManager #SPM Shot in the dark here, but anybody have experience with SPM and Enterprise builds? Ours is complaining about automatic signing, and I’ve been able to find *nothing* online about how to fix that.
I'm thrilled to announce that I'm currently working on Stuffatory 2.0! This update will use an architecture called The Composable Architecture (TCA). Make sure to follow along for all the latest updates.
Are you also using #TCA in your app development?
Let's connect!
#appdevelopment #apparchitecture #Stuffatory2.0 #appupdates #staytuned #indiedev #indieappdev #modularapp #swiftpackages #spm #swiftpackagemanager
#tca #appdevelopment #apparchitecture #stuffatory2 #appupdates #staytuned #indiedev #indieappdev #modularapp #swiftpackages #spm #swiftpackagemanager