#SwimmingWithSharks - I just finished this. One season only - dark, strange, quirky, good. https://trakt.tv/shows/swimming-with-sharks/seasons/1
RUTHLESS, TOOTHLESS: Roku waded into original streaming service drama with the movie industry tale #SwimmingwithSharks. As Pomona reaches the halfway point in its annual December mop up of the year's TV shows, we ask why can't the series with #DianeKruger & #DonaldSutherland come close to the cult 1994 movie about Hollywood that inspired it?.. https://pomonarewind.blogspot.com/2022/12/ruthless-toothless-swimming-with-sharks.html #tvdrama #hollywood #Roku #Quibi #2022tv #reviews
#swimmingwithsharks #dianekruger #donaldsutherland #TVDrama #hollywood #Roku #quibi #2022tv #reviews