Mlive Curated · @mlive_curated
58 followers · 130 posts · Server

Michigan reports second human case of swine flu

by Justin P. Hicks

#swineflu #michigan

Last updated 1 year ago

Freedom2B · @Freedom2B
103 followers · 906 posts · Server

A person (heck, maybe more, but definitely one), has caught H1N1 influenza from a pig.

Flu symptoms include fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. With H1N1 flu, sometimes there is diarrhea and vomiting. These resemble COVID symptoms, and some of these symptoms are also present in RSV, as well as strep throat. Have a symptom? Get tested. Someone's life could be saved because of your vigilance. That life could even be yours.

H1N1 spreads through the air in droplets released when someone with the virus coughs, sneezes, talks, or BREATHES. The virus enters your body when you breathe in contaminated droplets. It also can enter your body if you touch a contaminated surface and then touch your eyes, nose or mouth.

People with H1N1 influenza virus infection are potentially contagious as long as they are symptomatic and for up to 7 days following onset of symptoms. Children might be contagious for longer periods.

* WEAR A MASK. Covid never did go away. The news simply hasn't been covering its spread and impacts, is all. We are now experiencing a surge that, to no-one's surprise, the news isn't covering. It is a small surge, but a surge nonetheless. You should never have stopped masking indoors and in crowded situations in the first place.

* WASH YOUR HANDS. Carry soap with you. When you pass by a water tap, wash your hands. If your hands have been in public spaces (stores, fair barns, etc), sanitise them. NO EXCUSES. Hand hygiene is vital to preventing yourself and other from getting everything from the common cold to deadly diarrhea.

In September or October at the latest, GET VACCINATED for the flu. It will not cause you to grow horns or whatever the tinfoil hat experts are ranting about this week. I promise you.

Don't pet the four-legged humans, ok? The reason that we get illnesses from pigs and study their corpses in medical school is because they are the closest non-primate animal to humans. Those who have had to survive plane crashes in snowy mountainous regions can tell you that we taste like pig, too. Just leave them alone. (Btw, our food safety standards and inspections suck, so cook meat according to safety standards. Tell your taste buds to get over it.)

Don't spread influenza. I like being alive.
-asthmatic Covid survivor


#influenza #swineflu #h1n1 #health #virology #epidemiology #michigan #mask #vaccine

Last updated 1 year ago

Could Next Start at the ?
Since 2011, there have been more human cases reported in US than anywhere else in world. Most have occurred at farm-animal showcases. The world is emerging from pandemic that killed at least 6.9M. It won’t be the last. Outbreaks of , which spread between & , have become more frequent in recently and animal will continue spilling over into human populations in years ahead

#pandemic #countyfair #swineflu #zoonotic #diseases #animals #humans #pathogens

Last updated 1 year ago

· @Newstarget
2190 followers · 21239 posts · Server
· @NaturalNews
6128 followers · 30539 posts · Server · @physorg_bot
486 followers · 14078 posts · Server
Podcasts and Vodcasts · @podcastbot
1 followers · 911 posts · Server

Skeptoid #158: Student Questions: Swine Flu and Depleted Uranium by Brian Dunning Skeptoid answers questions sent in by students all around the world.

#swineflu #depleteduranium #familyconstellations #functionalmedicine #skeptoidpodcast #podcast #bot

Last updated 1 year ago

dystobot · @dystobot
5 followers · 6054 posts · Server
Hugues Abriel · @SwissIonChannel
203 followers · 893 posts · Server

RT @JN_Kelly
@DijkmanRonald presenting our @MCIDBern funded project at the first @EuSwineFlu meeting this week in . We are excited to be part of this @COSTprogramme on in Europe 🐷🦠

#pandemicpreparedness #swineflu #barcelona

Last updated 2 years ago

HypathieBlog · @HypathieBlog
1198 followers · 10122 posts · Server

À 1000 km de Pékin se trouve la plus grande porcherie au monde. Un bloc de béton de 26 étages où peuvent s'entasser 600 000 bêtes.

Sur un milliard de cochons mangés par l'espèce humaine !, 500 millions le sont par la Chine.
En 2019, 40 % des porcs chinois ont été abattus pour cause de

#Biosecurite #grippeporcine #asf #swineflu

Last updated 2 years ago

nadin brzezinski · @Nadinabbott
1411 followers · 2045 posts · Server

Ok, seems we have some bird flu in Russia. Good news, does not seem to be transmitting from human to human. This is what happens when I start seeing weird shit on Yes, they also have a lot of ,and just garden variety Influenza B

Bird flu may be the next pandemic, so…and could as well. It did once, though we have vaccines.

#h1n1 #swineflu #Telegram #zoonosis

Last updated 2 years ago

Hugues Abriel · @SwissIonChannel
65 followers · 105 posts · Server

RT @DijkmanRonald
Excellent opportunity for students interested in . Fully-funded position working on with a multidisciplinary research team @unibern @ivi_switzerland @MCIDBern. For more info check out 👉

#swineflu #phd #virology #zoonosis #OneHealth #veterinary

Last updated 2 years ago

bs2 · @bsmall2
195 followers · 3346 posts · Server

> you drive down the highway in .. you see them one after the other after the other. They’re often interspersed, next to a , which of course increases the chance for interspecies mingling of influenza virus. If we thought was bad, we may get an avian swine flu hybrid from the close proximity of these factories. From the outside, they look fairly innocuous.
And people have to work here...

#AnimalFactory #pigs #chickens #swineflu #HogFactory #PoultryFactory #iowa

Last updated 2 years ago

Sounds awful! What percentage of people who got the jab now have the /#narcolepsy.

We know a few people who got the jab and they suffer even more with problems.

The really sad part is, they finally seem to be recovering but because they think there exists some "" that people need to continue mixing cocktails of , they're already going on about the "booster".

#swineflu #sleepDisorder #covid #sleep #consensus #experimentalMedications #ocd #bigpharma

Last updated 3 years ago

Knowledge•Well-Being•Action · @KWA
199 followers · 8632 posts · Server
The was very deadly 17% died. We saw someone relatively healthy get it, they could have died. There were no because they still had some oil 10 years ago.

Our group is of the opinion that the faster it is realised this is a issue the sooner we get an honest dialog and a society that is fully appreciative of , and greater .

#swineflu #lockdowns #peakoil #limitstogrowth #egalitarianism

Last updated 3 years ago

Worldview Report · @WorldviewReport
507 followers · 889 posts · Server
Knowledge•Well-Being•Action · @KWA
199 followers · 8632 posts · Server
JD Kop · @Koppa
200 followers · 2222 posts · Server

Remember the "swine flu" scare back in 2009?
That was the dry-run for the current hoax!
The same evil fucks are behind this covid hoax!
This podcast is from 2009. Take a listen

#wef #Schwabby #gates #evil #swineflu #connectthedots #wakeup #covidhoax

Last updated 4 years ago

Knowledge•Well-Being•Action · @KWA
199 followers · 8632 posts · Server