Hab gerade die letzte halbe Stunde von #SwissArmyMan auf #Tele5 gesehen. Der #Film hat mich in seinen Bann gezogen, konnte nicht mehr umschalten. Muss ihn nochmal ganz sehen, um ihn beurteilen zu können #FilmTip ❔@filmeundserien
#filmtip #Film #tele5 #swissarmyman
Hab gerade die letzte halbe Stunde von #SwissArmyMan auf #Tele5 gesehen. Der #Film hat mich in seinen Bann gezogen, konnte nicht mehr umschalten. Muss ihn nochmal ganz sehen, um ihn beurteilen zu können #FilmTip ❔
#filmtip #Film #tele5 #swissarmyman
I watched The Daniels first movie Swiss Army Man again tonight and it made me laugh just as much as in the theater! I'm excited that they got a bunch of Oscars and can't wait to see what they do next!
#eeaao #swissarmyman #thedaniels
#SwissArmyMan es rara, bonita a ratos (muchos), rara de nuevo, (muy) original, rara otra vez, genialmente actuada y rara de nuevo 🤣
Only just saw Swiss Army Man. I thought the concept behind the story of an isolated person was actually pretty strong, but thought the movie could’ve been a short instead of a feature length. The idea itself is poignant I think despite the cynical humor.
Main Blorbos rn:
#Joker #SeverusSnape #KingCandy
Main Ships rn:
#Batjokes #Snumbledore
#Batman #BreakingBad #DannyPhantom #Daredevil #Dexter #Encanto #HannibalNBC #HarryPotter #JeevesAndWooster
#MerlinBBC #MiraculousLadybug #Pokémon #RickAndMorty #StarTrek #SwissArmyMan #TF2 #WarriorCats #WreckItRalph
Way too many #Musicals #Theatre #MusicalTheatre, such as #TheBookOfMormon #LesMisérables #LittleShopOfHorrors #PhantomOfTheOpera #TheProducers #RepoTheGeneticOpera
#joker #severussnape #kingcandy #batjokes #snumbledore #batman #breakingbad #dannyphantom #daredevil #dexter #encanto #HannibalNBC #harrypotter #jeevesandwooster #merlinbbc #miraculousladybug #pokemon #rickandmorty #StarTrek #swissarmyman #tf2 #warriorcats #wreckitralph #musicals #theatre #MusicalTheatre #thebookofmormon #lesmiserables #littleshopofhorrors #phantomoftheopera #theproducers #repothegeneticopera