Anyone out there speak Swiss German? I'm watching a show called "Wilder" here in the USA trying to practice my Swiss German. Its getting there, but would love some other suggestions!
#swiss #schweiz #tv #tvseries #language #languagelearning #swissgerman #wilder #swisstv
#swisstv #wilder #swissgerman #languagelearning #language #tvseries #tv #schweiz #swiss
After so many years in the country, I never took the time to learn #SwissGerman dialect. Let's go!
"Tüüfi ii- und uusschnuufe" 🤯
I have been using #windows for a long time, but I just discovered that they have a local version of the day description in the date and time settings, for Monday it's "Määntig".
Usually, #swissgerman in written form doesn't exist, as we have no official rules (even though we often use it every day when we communicate with friends)
It's probably my favorite feature of today 🤣