I feel demented every time I look at him, making SaB gifs in 2023
Toby’s mama called him a squirrel a count of one (1) times and I just ran with it
🧵…Ach je. Verstehe jetzt, dass #Freevee falsch sortiert ist. Es gibt nur 5 Staffeln & die angezeigten Staffeln 1&2 sind eigentlich alles Staffel 1. 🫣 30 Folgen die einen ersten Meilenstein setzen.
Hatte mich schon gewundert, verging wenig Zeit in der vermeintlichen Staffel 2.
🧵 Bisher waren es nur 5 von 65 Folgen mit Werbung (1-2 mal, á 28Sek.), sehr bequem. 👍
Staffel 1&3 sind stark in den Themen der Deaf Community, ansonsten schöne Coming of Age-Serie und Hinterfragen untersch. Gesellschaftsschichten, vieles hatte ich vergessen.
Staffel 4 in neuen Foki fast gewöhnungsbedürftig, aber zieht weiterhin. 🤟🥰
Auf #Freevee läuft für mich erstmals komplett zugänglich die Serie #SwitchedAtBirth! 🤟😀
Ehemals im TV angefangen zu schauen, ewig auf Staffeln gewartet, wurde sie nicht zu Ende ausgestrahlt.
Es lebe das Streaming. 🙌☺️
So toll wie sie direkt am Anfang alles durchgehen, wie es auch wirklich ist. Alle üblichen Fragen, Unsicherheiten, Erwartungen, Ideen etc. zum Thema Taubheit und sie werden toll beantwortet. Hach, sollten alle gucken. ☺️🫶
Einige Folgen gesehen, bisher keine Werbung, sehr cool.
Travis is just punching his way through life. Gotta respect that. #SwitchedAtBirth
It's so nice to let Angelo make an appearance in the final season of #SwitchedAtBirth. Still hate that they killed him off.
Turns out that Daphne isn't going to South Padre Island after all. Maybe she and Mingo realized it would take a while to get there. (That's not why, but 🤫! Let me have this.) #SwitchedAtBirth
Still watching #SwitchedAtBirth. Daphne and Mingo are going to South Padre Island for spring break. That's about an hour and a half drive from where I live, which is in the same area as the beach. Last time, Bay drove from their location in Kansas to San Antonio during the same daylight. My point is, Texas is fucking insanely huge. El Paso is closer to San Diego than it is to Houston.
I'm watching #SwitchedAtBirth and Bay went from a Kansas city to San Antonio in the same day? Texas is a big state. You don't travel through two states and through most of Texas and wind up in San Antonio whole there's still daylight. Where I'm at to Armarillo is almost 12 hours.
Do people outside of Texas not know how big this fucking state is?
Switched at birth at a Manitoba hospital over 60 years ago, 2 men seek answers, compensation from province. #DNA #Identity
#SwitchedAtBirth #SurpriseDNAFindings https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/separated-at-birth-manitoba-1.6745206
#dna #identity #switchedatbirth #surprisednafindings
Today at my personal journal: In Which Your Humble Narrator Learns #ASL #SignLanguage For The First Time, And Accidentally Discovers The Smart, Subversive Pleasures of #LizzyWeiss's #DeafCulture Teen Soap Opera #SwitchedAtBirth https://write.as/jasonpettus/those-sexy-deaf-teens-sure-are-courageous
#asl #signlanguage #lizzyweiss #deafculture #switchedatbirth