#PokemonStadium erscheint am 12. April für die #NintendoSwitch via #SwitchOnline: https://derchotv.de/2023/04/04/nintendo-switch-online-pokemon-stadium-erscheint-am-12-april/
#PokemonStadium #nintendoswitch #switchonline
ついさっきnintendo switch online 1週間無料体験クーポン貰ったので、うちの島はゲート開いています。暗証番号は「DHR2W」です。良ければ、インターネット通信で遊びに来てください♪ Welcome to my island in Animal Crossing :ablobcatheart: the visit code is: DHR2W #あつ森 #animalcrossing #switchonline #nintendo #nintendoswitch
#あつ森 #animalcrossing #switchonline #nintendo #nintendoswitch
[News / Nintendo Switch Online]
Nintendo decided to give everyone another 7 day trial through My Nintendo, even if you've redeemed a trial last week!
Redeem at https://spkl.io/60124dRvj and start splatting!
#スプラトゥーン3 #スプラトゥーン #Splatoon3 #Splatoon #Nintendo #NintendoSwitch #NintendoSwitchOnline #NSO #SwitchOnline
#スプラトゥーン3 #スプラトゥーン #splatoon3 #splatoon #nintendo #nintendoswitch #nintendoswitchonline #nso #switchonline
Wario Land 3's inclusion on Switch Online has reminded me how awesome it is.
The best way to describe it is: A metroidvania meets Kirby's Dreamland with a focus on treasure hunting.
#wario #nintendo #gameboycolour #switchonline #gaming
If you just played the #Metroid Prime Remaster as your first entry in the series, you can find the real roots of the franchise playing Super Metroid on #SwitchOnline.
If you don’t want to go that far back, Metroid Dread holds strongly to the original formula, is just over a year old, and it’s fantastic. More Prime (first person) is on the way too, eventually.
Alright, so this weekend's #Splatfest on #Splatoon3 was amazing. I was on team #DarkChocolate, and it was a BLAST. Here's some screenshots of my favorite moments/teams, including an insane salmon run round lol
#Splatfest #Splatoon3 #darkchocolate #nintendoswitch #nintendo #splatoon #switchonline
So I finally jumped on #Nintendo s #SwitchOnline service yesterday, including the nostalgicly titled #ExpansionPass, which includes #N64 classics and now #GameBoyAdvance titles as well.
Well, while the meanwhile included #games from all supported platforms, like #NES, SNES, #N64, #MegaDrive (or #Genesis, if you're american about this 😅), #GameBoy and #GBA are quite ok (still sooo much missing), there are still some serious #emulation issues, especially in certain N64 games like F-Zero X.
#emulation #gba #gameboy #genesis #megadrive #nes #games #gameboyadvance #n64 #expansionpass #switchonline #nintendo
A quick look at the Switch’s new Game Boy and Game Boy Advance emulation - Enlarge / The Switch Online Game Boy Advance emulator will look and fee... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1916522 #gaming&culture #gameboyadvance #switchonline #emulation #gameboy #tech
#tech #gameboy #emulation #switchonline #gameboyadvance #gaming
Ars Technica: A quick look at the Switch’s new Game Boy and Game Boy Advance emulation https://arstechnica.com/?p=1916522 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #Gaming&Culture #GameboyAdvance #switchonline #emulation #GameBoy #Tech
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #Gaming #gameboyadvance #switchonline #emulation #gameboy
How many NSO Splatoon 3 profile picture elements have you guys got? Personally, I'm at 124 right now.
#NintendoSwitch #NSO #Switch #SwitchOnline #NintendoSwitchOnline #Splatoon #Splatoon2 #Splatoon3
#nintendoswitch #nso #switch #switchonline #nintendoswitchonline #splatoon #splatoon2 #splatoon3
Dear Nintendo,
Like many a long-suffering fan, I have played your #switchOnline service for as long as you’ve offered it. When you offered the expansion giving me #N64 games and #segaGenesis games, I expanded my service for them too. I have been patient and faithful. Please, just put #gameCube on the service. I want my #TwilightPrincess and #windWaker. And while you’re at it, add in the portables. I want to play #LinkBetweenWorlds. #nintendo #switchOnlineExpansion #LegendOfZelda #videogames
#switchonline #n64 #segagenesis #gamecube #twilightprincess #windwaker #linkbetweenworlds #nintendo #switchonlineexpansion #legendofzelda #videogames
#retrogaming #nes #switchonline
Regardez "Solomon's Key 2 (NES)" sur YouTube
#switchonline #nes #retrogaming
Regardez "The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past" sur YouTube
#zelda #supernintendo #retrogaming #test #switchonline #nintendoswitch
#nintendoswitch #switchonline #test #retrogaming #supernintendo #zelda