Ok, here's a link from twitter that is actually worth going back for a peak.
@kristenlopez88 asks, "Seeing the Gen Z continued backlash against sex scenes in movies had me thinking: What's a gesture, line reading or moment in movies that's not a sex scene but still makes you sweat?"
And bonus double hit .. YoungJi's 'Witch' from her 'Show Me the Money' reality show era ... complete with So Yoon as a featured artist. I am only barely coping now. :blobcatmeltlove:
♬ WITCH (Feat. 박재범, So!YoON!) (Prod. by Slom)
(yeah I know .. Jay Park too .. but life is not perfect. 😂)
#JukeboxFridayNight #SheMakesMusic #SoYoon #YoungJi #KRap #KIndie #Swoon
#jukeboxfridaynight #shemakesmusic #soyoon #youngji #krap #kindie #swoon
Oooo what a great theme for #JukeboxFridayNight - #SheMakesMusic - Music composed and performed by women!
Considering how in love I am with Se So Neon's new track 'Kidd' this week, it has to be #SoYoon .. because did I mention I'm obsessed with her?! :blobmeow_heart:
This track was composed with DAHEE, another Korean indie/R&B artist you should check out.
So!YoON! (황소윤) ‘Bad’ Official MV
#jukeboxfridaynight #shemakesmusic #soyoon #kindie #kpop #swoon
How did I miss that this dropped yesterday!? #TooMuchGoingOn
#toomuchgoingon #sesoneon #kpop #krock #kindie #newmusic #swoon
Oh these two! 💜
Taking the afternoon off to watch 'Dream' and it is adorbs.
#kdrama #parkseojoon #iu #swoon
Happy Birthday, Taemin! 🎂
It had to be this track for Song of the Day. He is mesmerizing and I love watching him dance.
TAEMIN 태민 '괴도 (Danger)' MV
How was this 8 years ago! :blobcateyes:
#songoftheday #taemin #danger #swoon
Hooray .. yet another #SHINee performance .. the fits!
HARD - SHINee シャイニー [Music Bank] | KBS WORLD TV 230707
I know this is just a dumb auto-generated FB ad of some sort, but the conflation of the ad copy, the music, and the lyrics just makes me 😡😂😩
Want a romantic gift for your partner? Hang a big print over your bed with the lyrics of an ancient Christian hymn set between some nonsensical piano music. #swoon
📽️ "Inside Daisy Clover" (1965) is screening @ TCM.
The way #RobertRedford calls her "Dear Heart!" #Swoon
#swoon #RobertRedford #60s #TCMParty #Film #Movies
DUDE!!! #AdamLambert #Cher #OMFG #Swoon https://www.thewrap.com/adam-lambert-cher-the-muffin-man-thats-my-jam/
#swoon #omfg #cher #adamlambert
For #WedsNeigh - a few years ago, I was walking from campus to a nearby shop to get a bevvie before class, and who should I find unloading on a nearby sidestreet but...
The Budweiser Clydesdales!!
I watched them unload and tack up as long as I could before running to class. Then after class I returned and got to see them get untacked and loaded.
It was me and like 100 12 yo girls and after all the kiddos got their souveniers, I got this ribbon that had just come off Clydesdale Fez.
Ok, that was just an amazing episode! Like Ocean’s 11 but with a Vegas holosuite, Ferengi safe cracking, smoldering sexy Kira, and Sisko in a tuxedo. Did I mention he sings in the end?? #swoon
The best is yet to come and won’t it be fine. Damn straight. 💞
#swoon #startrek #ds9 #s7e16 #fridaynight