@henry @vowe I giess you got #swoosh'd then...
You missed the point!
Die Verlage #Egmont und #Panini haben mit #Swoosh ein Angebot für digitale #Comics per Streaming-Abo gestartet. Lars von Törne ist beim #Tagesspiegel nicht ganz überzeugt: Einige wichtige Funktionen fehlen und die Inhalte lassen zu wünschen übrig. So sucht man #Manga vergeblich. #Comic
#egmont #panini #swoosh #comics #tagesspiegel #manga #comic
GM - hast du eine OF1 Box? #swoosh #swooshgang #nikeswoosh
#swoosh #swooshgang #nikeswoosh
Da will man mal diese #Swoosh App sich wenigstens anschauen. Und dann lädt sie, jedenfalls auf #Android , einfach gar nicht.
@Houl ah...
#swoosh'd cuz you were #shitposting https://md.ilyamikcoder.com/@Houl/110527070984325740
Kotaku: It Is June 2023 And EA Wants To Add NFTs To FIFA & Madden https://kotaku.com/ea-sports-fifa-madden-nike-nft-web3-crypto-scam-swoosh-1850505156 #gaming #tech #kotaku #entertainmentsoftwareassociation #videogamecompanies #nonfungibletoken #electronicarts #videogaming #nike2cinc #maddennfl #companies #easports #madden #sports #swoosh #fifa #nike
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #entertainmentsoftwareassociation #videogamecompanies #nonfungibletoken #electronicarts #videogaming #nike2cinc #maddennfl #companies #easports #madden #sports #swoosh #fifa #NIKE
@ukuku @markmetz Apparently 52M to Magic for walleting Macy’s. (Who knew Macy’s were into crypto?) Not sure what the #NFT story was. #Swoosh #EA collab? ANA marketplace? Or the Fortune Crypto story on monthly sales volume dropping below a billion dollars for the first time in 2023?
Treinstel 8730 (VIRM-VI #swoosh) (@ IC 2279 ➜ Rotterdam Centraal) #NowTräwelling https://traewelling.de/status/1058812
VIRM 8741 :ns: is het enige echte Monster van VIRMenstein 🧟
Deze VIRM van de derde generatie kreeg bij revisie het interieur dat bij deze generatie hoort, maar heeft de beschildering gekregen die hoort bij de revisie van de 1e/2e generatie VIRM, en dus geen NS Flow #Swoosh. Zover ik weet het de enige VIRM die deze combinatie heeft.
Nike Launches Air Force 1 Virtual Sneaker NFTs on Swoosh - Nike drops the first-ever virtual sneaker collection via .Swoosh, fully inspired b... - https://dailycoin.com/nike-launches-air-force-1-virtual-sneaker-nfts-on-swoosh/ #zzzeditorspicks #polygon(matic) #marketplaces #collections #zz_index #zz_top #swoosh #nfts #nike
#nike #nfts #swoosh #zz_top #zz_index #collections #marketplaces #polygon #zzzeditorspicks
Treinstel 8702 #Swoosh (@ IC 2263 ➜ Rotterdam Centraal) #NowTräwelling https://traewelling.de/status/849194
@cleo @thatonecalculator @survey @freeplay OFC I'm aware of that "techbro" is obviously a wrong generalization and only applies to #shitsite :birdsite: aka. the #MuskVerse...
I was merely pointing out that Mastodon is getting more traction even beyond #TechLiterates like us and that this should reduce bias towards said nieche.
Tho that ignores the fact that said surveys are.very technical...
I guess I #swoosh'd myself.
#swoosh #techliterates #muskverse #shitsite