Indiescovery Episode 13: Our favourite indie games from Not-E3 2023 - #GeometricInteractive #IndiescoveryPodcast #Birdview/Isometric #StillWakesTheDeep #ActionAdventure #SwordoftheSea #RevenantHill #SinglePlayer #TinyBookshop #Exploration #Hack&Slash; #Simulation #StoryRich #EnGarde! #Mystery #Fantasy #Sandbox #Puzzle #Cocoon #Horror #Jusant #Indie #Kibu #PS5 #RPG #PC
#pc #rpg #ps5 #kibu #indie #jusant #horror #Cocoon #puzzle #sandbox #fantasy #mystery #engarde #StoryRich #simulation #hack #exploration #TinyBookshop #singleplayer #revenanthill #swordofthesea #ActionAdventure #stillwakesthedeep #birdview #indiescoverypodcast #GeometricInteractive
Sword Of The Sea is a gorgeous new desert-surfing adventure from the devs behind Abzu and Journey - #PlayStationShowcase #ActionAdventure #SwordoftheSea #GiantSquid #StoryRich #PS5 #PC
#pc #ps5 #StoryRich #giantsquid #swordofthesea #ActionAdventure #PlayStationShowcase
«Sword of the Sea Announcement Trailer» / «Giant Squid Studios»
Нахожу забавным, что после водной «ABZU» и «The Pathless» в тундре «Giant Squid» вернулись к корням и знакомому скольжению по песчаным барханам из «Journey»... НО ТЕПЕРЬ НА ДОСКЕ!
Короче "Journey 2" выглядит потрясающе и самый главный из новых анонсов вчерашней «PlayStation Showcase». Это мы ждём.
#Neva and #SwordoftheSea look amazing! Excited to give those a try. #playstationshowcase
#neva #swordofthesea #playstationshowcase That #PlayStation showcase was disappointing but this looked beautiful. To me it #SwordoftheSea looked like a spiritual successor to Journey.
"Giant Squid" nos trae otra preciosura de juego
"Sword of the Sea", sin fecha de lanzamiento.
Hace poco jugué a "Journey" y me transmite las mismas buenas vibraciones
#PlayStationShowcase #swordofthesea #PlayStation #playstationshowcase2023
#playstationshowcase2023 #Playstation #swordofthesea #PlayStationShowcase
#SwordoftheSea looks like a great add to the Journey, Abzu, Sky ethos. Journey with a cup of Tony Hawk mixed in? Sky dolphins at sunset? Sign me up!