My first go at playing #SwordsOfTheSerpentine last night. Great fun and very very good at capturing the spirit of swords and sorcery. #ttrpg
I played around in HeroForge and then turned the result into a Swords of the Serpentine character. #PelgranePress #swordsoftheserpentine
Name: Dandolo, the Budget Paladin of Sag Harbor
Adventurous, Amiable, Affordable
Smiting evil for a nominal fee; Maintaining order; Receiving the small yet spendable material gratitude of the masses
Allies and Enemies: Ally: Church of Denari 1; Ally: Commoners 1; Enemy: Monstrosities 1
Defenses - Health: Health Threshold 3, Armor 1, Health 8
Defenses - Morale: Morale Threshold 4, Grit 1, Morale 10
Investigative Abilities: Trustworthy 2, Laws & Traditions 1, Vigilance 1, City's Secrets 1, Know Monstrosities 2, Spot Frailty 2, Tactics of Death 2
General Abilities: Athletics 4, Bind Wounds 2, Preparedness 8, Sway 6, Warfare 10
Gear: A grim but tidy hovel in Sag Harbor; A battered ancestral sword that once slew the Vampire Vizier of the Arch-Lich; Mismatched and damaged but well polished armor; A stack of Hero-for-Hire contracts notarized by scammers posing as bureaucrats; Unreasonable but infectious optimism
Sir Dandolo Marcelli--he doesn't always use the honorific, but according to family lore, he's entitled to it--comes from a long line of champions sworn to protect the people of Eversink from monsters, heretics, and ruffians of every sort. Envy or economic ruin may have lost his forebears the soaring tower in Alderhall they surely must have had at some point, but, with a change of neighborhood to the slums of Sag Harbor, Dandolo has continued the crusade, just as his father, great uncle, and great-grandfather did before him. (Grandpa Marcelli, it seems, worked at the fishmarket and only rarely took up the blade of justice.)
Sag Harbor is well supplied with villains and inconsistently policed, so Dandolo keeps busy defending his neighbors from threats. He asks only a few iron pennies or a meal in return, mindful of the Church's prohibitions against charity. Dandolo is rather better at his profession than his run-down appearance suggests, and his combination of affordability, competence, and arguably delusional tales of family glory have won him many friends and clients.
#PelgranePress #swordsoftheserpentine
@pelgranepress An outpost of Eversink: #eversink #swordsoftheserpentine
#eversink #swordsoftheserpentine
My #Cairn, #Templeof1000Swords, and #FiveTorchesDeep #ttrpg books were delivered today. The #Lulu versions of the Cairn #rpg books are a very nice quality. The covers have a velvety feel and the internal pages are a nice weight glossy paper.
I plan on breaking the rules 😜 (or at least the note on the back stating it requires Old-School Essentials) and eventually run Temple of 1000 Swords with either Cairn, Five Torches Deep, #SwordsOfTheSerpentine, or #ForbiddenLands.
#cairn #templeof1000swords #fivetorchesdeep #ttrpg #lulu #rpg #swordsoftheserpentine #forbiddenlands
I am postponing today's #TryHackMe #AdventOfCyber2022 #infosec challenge until tomorrow.
It focuses on malware analysis and I've decided that I just want to drink some tea and read some #ttrpg rules, #Vaesen and #SwordsOfTheSerpentine, and my book, #AchingGod by #MikeShel, instead.
It's okay to take a break, right?
Plus, I am tired and I don't think I will get as much out of it in this state.
I'll catch up tomorrow.
#tryhackme #adventofcyber2022 #infosec #ttrpg #Vaesen #swordsoftheserpentine #achinggod #mikeshel
I was excited to see that #SwordsOfTheSerpentine arrived today. It is a beautiful book. I'm looking forward to diving deeper the rules and exploring all the setting material.
You could easily play games inspired by #FafhrdAndTheGrayMouser, #TheLiesOfLockeLamora, #TheivesWorld, and a host of other sword and sorcery crime fiction (my favorite subgenre).
Also the cover art of a thief scaling a spire above the canal city of Eversink by #JeromeHuguenin sets expectations for what the game is about.
#swordsoftheserpentine #fafhrdandthegraymouser #theliesoflockelamora #theivesworld #jeromehuguenin
I got a gift card from my parents for Christmas and used it to order #TheAchingGod by #MikeShel. I picked it up through interlibrary loan after hearing about it on the #SplatBookPodcast, but I am a slow reader and it has to go back soon.
I also picked up the #SwordsOfTheSerpentine #ttrpg after reading a few reviews and listening to some interesting actual plays, looking forward to checking it out.
#theachinggod #mikeshel #splatbookpodcast #swordsoftheserpentine #ttrpg
Has anyone in the my (or the greater) #ttrpg community played #SwordsOfTheSerpentine? It looks like a game that could easily handle a #LiesOfLockeLamora game.
For some reason, I missed this game on my #RPG radar, but it looks really cool.
#ttrpg #swordsoftheserpentine #liesoflockelamora #rpg