Daucus pusillus
A very small wild carrot. The flowerheads can be batter-fried for a carrot-flavored treat and the aromatic seeds can be used as a flavoring. The roots can be eaten raw, steamed or roasted for eating, dried for later use, or roasted and ground like coffee. The only other wild carrot found in this area of southwest Oregon is the non-native Daucus carota (Queen Anne’s Lace), which is much larger and generally easy to identify.
#sworegon #kalmiopsis #nativeplants
Ranuncular occidentalis - Western Buttercup
Western buttercup grows easily in full sun and partial shade, blanketing any spot with at least a bit of soil cover. There is a toxin present in all parts of the plant that can blister the skin.
#kalmiopsis #sworegon #nativeplants
Sidalcea asprella
Del Norte checker mallow has absolutely gorgeous deep pink flowers with rose-colored stems. Grows in full sun but needs some soil - not found in bare gravelly/sandy spots. Even on the same plant, leaf shapes can vary widely in how deeply lobed they are. This is a wonderful garden flower - beautiful plant, can bloom for months, and attracts butterflies.
#kalmiopsis #sworegon #nativeplants
Purple snakeroot (Sanicula bipinnatifida) is a tiny but very striking deep purple flower that blooms in spring. It seems to prefer direct sunlight, and is often found on serpentine soil. There are no other plants in the area with leaves or flowers like this. This species may be poisonous and taste noxious. A decoction of the root was used as a cure-all by people in Native tribes.
#sworegon #kalmiopsis #nativeplants
Death camas (Toxicoscordion micranthum) is a poisonous plant to be aware of; it grows in gravelly or grassy areas in full sun or partial shade. There are 3 Toxicoscordion species found in my part of SW Oregon; this one is the one generally found on serpentine, and also the only species I’ve come across yet.
#sworegon #kalmiopsis #nativeplants
Fritillaria atropurpurea (Liliaceae)
The spotted fritillary, or chocolate lily, has fascinating yellow and purple-brown splashed petals. I find it in partially shaded grassy serpentine areas.
Like other lilies, the bulbs are edible - historically, tribes ate them raw, boiled and mashed, or steamed. For some reason this particular species' bulbs weren't dried for storage (Other Fritillaria species' bulbs were).
#SWOregon @Kalmiopsis #NativePlants
Although C. tolmiei flower color is variable especially with flower age (from mostly white to mostly red-purple), no other Calochortus species have quite the same flower colors. The closest may be C. howellii, a rare species found in the Illinois Valley. ID Tips: C. howellii has rounded tips on its petals, holds its seed pods upright, and a green tinge at the inner base of the flower, while C. tolmiei has pointed petal tips, pendant seed pods, and no green.
Iris thompsonii is a beautiful iris with perennial leaves that grows in grassy or wooded areas. The strong-fibered leaves can be used in weaving baskets or cordage. There are other Iris species in the area, and may even hybridize with this one, but none have the same colors in the flower. These are apparently a difficult species to grow in gardens, so if you have them growing naturally, treasure them.
Dichelostemma congestum - ookow - is a beautiful flower I find in partially shaded grassy meadow areas. When growing from seed, it takes 4 years for the plant to mature enough to flower. The bulbs can be harvested early in the spring and eaten raw, or boiled and dried. People from local Native American tribes have used them as an important food source. #SWOregon #Kalmiopsis
Allium bolanderi - I’ve only seen it growing in gravel scree on fully exposed hillsides. Occasionally a plant will have white instead of reddish-purple flowers. The leaves can be plucked and used fresh to flavor cooking, and the bulb can also be used in a similar manner to cultivated onions. #SWOregon #Kalmiopsis
From my Amazing, Moody, Foggy Saturday morning... The food, the trees, the rainbow, and having my first Lighthouse BBQ Burger in over 2 years. (Boca patty, sautéed mushrooms and homemade BBQ sauce, homegrown veggies, and home fries. OMFG GLORIOUS)
#RosemaryHill #RosemaryHillGardens #UmpquaValley #OneBeautifulThing #CreatingEverydayMagic #SWOregon
#rosemaryhill #rosemaryhillgardens #umpquavalley #onebeautifulthing #creatingeverydaymagic #sworegon
From our Japanese Garden at Discovery Garden, Douglas County, Oregon.
#RosemaryHill #RosemaryHillGardens #UmpquaValley #OneBeautifulThing #CreatingEverydayMagic #SWOregon
#mastergardeners #rosemaryhill #rosemaryhillgardens #umpquavalley #onebeautifulthing #creatingeverydaymagic #sworegon
Spectacular sunset tonight.
The gloaming was so rosy and orange. 😍
#RosemaryHill #RosemaryHillGardens #UmpquaValley #OneBeautifulThing #CreatingEverydayMagic #SWOregon
#rosemaryhill #rosemaryhillgardens #umpquavalley #onebeautifulthing #creatingeverydaymagic #sworegon
We have 8 cats.
This is one of them...
Charlotte Moon.
My funny bunny Shar-shar.
#RosemaryHill #RosemaryHillGardens #UmpquaValley #OneBeautifulThing #CreatingEverydayMagic #SWOregon
#catsofmastodon #rosemaryhill #rosemaryhillgardens #umpquavalley #onebeautifulthing #creatingeverydaymagic #sworegon