Cleo of Topless Topics · @toplesstopics
680 followers · 6528 posts · Server

my appeal to still says "submitted," which is better than when the auto-reject my appeal, but I know better than to hold my breath that it'll actually be restored. pretty much NEVER sides with " unfriendly" content, like , advocacy, and that deviates from the "quirky and fashionable gay guy" commercialized aesthetic. (nahtzees and conspiracy theorists are fine, though)

#youtube #censorship #algorithms #bannedvideo #MainstreamSocialMedia #capitalism #sexualeducation #sworker #genderequality

Last updated 2 years ago

Are you a etc? Feel free to tag us so we can boost your posts to help you reach new audiences! Especially "outcast creators"--those of us frequently or otherwise on mainstream platforms--like / / / and creators, etc!

#contentcreator #artist #streamer #vlogger #videoessayist #photographer #writer #painter #model #3d #vtuber #banned #shadowbanned #censored #sworker #sexworker #eroticartist #eroticphotographer #eroticwriter #lgbtq #trans

Last updated 2 years ago

Just made a resources room in our server, for to let others know about - friendly , and platforms, informative articles, etc. Please feel free to check it out by joining our server at where you'll find a supportive community of "outcast " and our supporters, by which we mean who often face , , , and other forms of persecution online that "" content approved of by do not have to endure.

You don't have to be a creator yourself (or specialize in or other often-censored types of content), just be prepared to cross paths with those who are, and remain respectful. :)

The main parts of the server are all SFW and require additional age verification to access the areas, so you don't have to worry about stumbling into sexually explicit content if you don't want!

Thanks and we really hope to get to know you! Our goal is to grow a diverse, supportive and useful network of outcast creators where we can , commiserate, share resources, and even make new friends!

#sworker #discord #sexworkers #adultcontent #socialmedia #livestream #video #outcastcreatorcollective #contentcreators #creators #censorship #shadowbans #bannedcontent #capitalismfriendly #thepatriarchy #nudity #sexworker #18plus #collaborate

Last updated 2 years ago

Hello--testing, testing! I'm trying this instance out, my name is Ceri, I'm the founder of the "Outcast Creator Collective," which is an idea I had awhile ago to set up a support network for creators and their fans who cover "controversial" subjects that tend to get us banned on mainstream platforms, like advocacy and other non-capitalism-friendly issues.

#sworker #progressive

Last updated 2 years ago