2023-01-27 #SWRadiogram on 15770 kHz. SINPO 33433. SWLing in #Vilnius with #sdrplay #RSPdx, #nooelec LanaHF & DIY loop antenna (indoors), SDRUno, Fldigi.
#swradiogram #vilnius #sdrplay #rspdx #nooelec
2023-01-20 #SWRadiogram on 15770 kHz. Good reception, SINPO 43444. Text - 100%. The one image shift is due to my laptop's "sleep" mode. SWLing in #Vilnius with #sdrplay RSPdx, #nooelec LanaHF & DIY #Youloop (indoors), SDRUno, Fldigi.
#swradiogram #vilnius #sdrplay #nooelec #youloop
2023-01-06 #SWRadiogram on 15770 kHz. Poor reception, a lot of noise, interference from other digital transmitter, SINPO 23222. SWLing in #Vilnius with #sdrplay RSPdx, #nooelec LanaHF & DIY magnetic loop (indoors), SDRUno, Fldigi.
#swradiogram #vilnius #sdrplay #nooelec
2022-12-23 #SWRadiogram on 15770 kHz. SINPO 33433. SWLing in #Vilnius with #sdrplay RSPdx,
#nooelec LanaHF & DIY #Youloop (indoors), SDRUno, Fldigi. Merry Christmas!
#swradiogram #vilnius #sdrplay #nooelec #youloop
2022-12-16 #SWRadiogram on 15770 kHz. SINPO 21222: severe interference from another digital transmission, noise and ...the signal disappeared. SWLing in #Vilnius with #airspy HF+Discovery, #nooelec Lana HF & DIY #Youloop (indoors), Fldigi.
#swradiogram #vilnius #airspy #nooelec #youloop
2022-12-02 #SWRadiogram on 15770 kHz. SINPO 42443: Severe interference from another digital transmission, so switched GQRX to USB, "wide-normal". Text copy: 100%. SWLing in #Vilnius with airspy HF+Discovery,@nooelec LanaHF & DIY Youloop (indoors), Rpi4, GQRX, Fldigi.
anyone into #radio should look at http://swradiogram.net/ - text and pictures by "standard" Shortwave radio - the pics from today's broadcast on 9400Khz at 1600 GMT look like this
#swradiogram #swl #shortwave https://infosec.exchange/media/c9xiGMQhPTEAepYa4O4 https://infosec.exchange/media/WJ8b_-HaERVk5yTwrHg https://infosec.exchange/media/GS1i7ChlK9nGCBNDlEo https://infosec.exchange/media/c16EnwCldUG4RTsQcao
#radio #swradiogram #swl #shortwave