This #chokePoint is how you combine #trafficCalming and safer #crosswalks, with more cost-effective #EdgeLaneRoads. Instead of #YellowCenterlines forcing people on bikes to "share" with cars, two-way car traffic shares one center lane. The #AdvisoryBikeLanes can be used for two drivers to pass each other, but by default, those spaces are dedicated to people walking and biking. (SW 45th, #SWTFpdx, so many streets need this, not blinking lights and victim-blaming.)
#chokepoint #trafficcalming #crosswalks #edgelaneroads #yellowcenterlines #advisorybikelanes #swtfpdx
holding my breath for #CompleteStreets but it's looking like we'll need $30M per mile and a really big pipe to pave 1/4 of the land area in SW #Portland 😲 Or we could divert some of the cut-through car traffic back to freeways and arterials, remove yellow centerlines from most streets (especially those without sidewalks #SWTFpdx) and stripe wide edge lane roads with choke points for cars to share a center lane every block or so. Vote for me on your Oregon Transportation Commission ballot. 😉
#completestreets #portland #swtfpdx
How does our TSP designation of "Neighborhood Collector" fit with #SWTFpdx Taylors Ferry being basically just more freeway lanes? How about if it's also a City Bikeway but has no bike lanes or sidewalks? As for the $4B backlog: there's no way the net cost of this #pdxTraffic is less than a dollar per VMT. $30 dollars per minute for this intersection alone? 💸 #transportation #InducedDemand the #RobertMoses freeway plan lives on in our failure to manage surface-street traffic.
#swtfpdx #pdxtraffic #transportation #induceddemand #robertmoses