I'm tired as shit, but we're still rockin some VTT stuff. In this case, The One Ring.. So a couple of us are farting around on the table (Foundry version) while listenin' to some thematic music...
Abomination Vaults: The Ghostly Librarian & some Ghouls manage to kill Ashka (and even start munching on her) and the whole combat almost results in some TPK (oh darn)!
#pf2 #pathfinder #foundryvtt #sxg
Let's see how much more ground they can cover in tonight's Pathfinder/Abomination Vaults session... This is the 1st underground level of the 'Vaults.
#pathfinder #pf2 #foundryvtt #fvtt #vtt #rpg #sxg
PATHFINDER: ABOMINATION VAULTS -- Crackin' opening the Majordomo's crypt...
#sxg #rpg #foundryvtt #pf2 #pf2e
Pirates of the Spanish Main (Savage Worlds on Foundry): The PC ship, the "Deceit" attacks the Spanish galleon, "De Hacha" and here we see both damaged...
#sxg #foundryvtt #swade #pirates #rpg
Tonight's Pathfinder: Lost Omens -- Clearin' out the ruins of The Abomination Vaults.. They plowed thru this giant scorpion w/o much effort...
#sxg #foundryvtt #pathfinder2e #rpg
Traveller: The Streets of Rhylanor (Session 0.75)... Stitching the PCs together...
#sxg #traveller #mgt2 #foundryvtt #rpg
Back at the Abomination Vaults after a forced break for two weeks.. The party is clearin' out the maggots and mitflits in the ruins..
#sxg #rpg #pf2 #pathfinder2e #foundryvtt
Well, after two months of buying books from a variety of sources, my Pathfinder 2E books are where I want them to be. I have book subscriptions setup for Core Rules and Lost Omens releases, so I should stay pretty current. Maps & the other stuff I'll buy as needed...
My Friday group just started Abomination Vaults!
#pathfinder #pf2e #foundryvtt #rpg #sxg
All Flesh Must Be Eaten: Episode 1, "Dairy Queen of the Dead"
This is after a few rounds of the zombies bustin' into the DQ..
The return to Savage Worlds via the Carribean of 1720! 😆
Managed to get the adventure deck, edges, hinderances, and skills all built out per Pirates of the Spanish Main..
Pretty stoked!
#rpg #sxg #swade #pirates #foundryvtt
Dune 2D20's Houses of the Landsraad... gettin' ready for tomorrow's game... Still got room for 1-2 more: https://extraordinarygamers.com/Events/ModuleID/387/ItemID/4012/mctl/EventDetails