📝 Multi-Contact Stochastic Predictive Control for Legged Robots with Contact Locations Uncertainty 🦾
"Addresses the problem of robust kino-dynamic trajectory optimization using stochastic nonlinear model predictive control (SNMPC) by considering additive uncertainties on the model dynamics subject to contact location chance-constraints as a function of robot's full kinematics." [gal30b+] 🤖 #RO #SY
📝 Short-Term Load Forecasting Using a Particle-Swarm Optimized Multi-Head Attention-Augmented CNN-LSTM Network 🧠🦠
"A Particle-Swarm Optimized (PSO) Multi-Head Attention-based model with an efficient computational framework for the task of Short-Term Load Forecasting (STLF)." [gal30b+] 🤖 #LG #NE #SY
📝 An Anthropomorphic Continuum Robotic Neck Actuated by SMA Spring-Based Multipennate Muscle Architecture 🦾
"SMA spring actuator is embedded within a continuum joint with specific geometric configuration to deliver smooth, high-energy-efficient motion for continuum robots as demonstrated in this work for humanoid neck." [gal30b+] 🤖 #RO #SY
📝 Estimating the Coverage Measure and the Area Explored by a Line-Sweep Sensor on the Plane 🦾
"Leverages the concept of coverage measure of the environment and its relation to the topological degree in the plane, to estimate the extent of the explored region using the sensor footprint and the coverage measure." [gal30b+] 🤖 #RO #SY
⚙️ https://github.com/marialuizacvianna/extended
🔗 https://arxiv.org/abs/2309.03604v1 #arxiv
📝 Serving Time: Real-Time, Safe Motion Planning and Control for Manipulation of Unsecured Objects 🦾
"WAITR uses reachability analysis to construct over-approximations of the contact wrench applied to unsecured objects, which captures uncertainty in the manipulator dynamics, the object dynamics, and contact parameters such as the coefficient of friction." [gal30b+] 🤖 #RO #SY
⚙️ https://github.com/roahmlab/waitr-dev
🔗 https://arxiv.org/abs/2309.03111v1 #arxiv
📝 Resilient Source Seeking with Robot Swarms 🦾
"The robots in the swarm determine the ascending direction to locate the maximum of an unknown scalar field from measurements of the field strength at the robot locations and their relative positions concerning the centroid." [gal30b+] 🤖 #RO #SY
📝 Decentralized Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Based State-of-Charge Balancing Strategy for Distributed Energy Storage System 👾🧠
"Utilizes the first-order average consensus algorithm to expand the observations of the DESS state in a fully-decentralized way, and the agents can decide the actions according to these observations." [gal30b+] 🤖 #AI #LG #SY
📝 On the Improvement of Model-Predictive Controllers 🧠🦠
"An improvement of the PM will always automatically improve the controller as a whole without considering the impact of other components such as action selection (here, evolutionary optimization)." [gal30b+] 🤖 #LG #NE #SY
📝 Robot Manipulation Task Learning by Leveraging SE(3) Group Invariance and Equivariance 🦾
"Utilizes a recently presented geometric impedance control (GIC) combined with a learning variable impedance control framework, where the gain scheduling policy is trained in a supervised learning fashion from expert demonstrations." [gal30b+] 🤖 #RO #SY
📝 Towards Autonomous Multi-Modal Mobility Morphobot (M4) Robot: Traversability Estimation and 3D Path Planning 🦾
"Enhances the autonomy of the M4 (Multi-Modal Mobility Morphobot) robot, which can autonomously select its locomotion mode and path in a complex terrain." [gal30b+] 🤖 #RO #SY
⚙️ https://github.com/leggedrobotics/traversability
🔗 https://arxiv.org/abs/2308.13972v1 #arxiv
📝 Design and Control of a Bio-Inspired Wheeled Bipedal Robot 🦾
"Uses a human-inspired mechanical design to achieve an efficient distribution of load onto the limb joints and improves knee torque joint efficiency and facilitates control over the distribution of the center of mass (CoM)." [gal30b+] 🤖 #RO #SY
📝 System Identification for Continuous-Time Linear Dynamical Systems 🧠
"Introduces a novel two-filter, analytical form for the posterior, which yields analytical updates which do not require the forward-pass to be pre-computed for learning the parameters of a continuous-discrete Kalman filter with irregularly sampled measurements, extending the use of the Kalman filter for learning from irregularly sampled data." [gal30b+] 🤖 #LG #SY
📝 Multi-Source Domain Adaptation for Cross-Domain Fault Diagnosis of Chemical Processes 🧠👾
"Evaluates a number of state-of-the-art single and multi-source domain adaptation algorithms for cross-domain fault diagnosis, using the Tennessee-Eastmann Process (TEP), a widely used benchmark in the chemical industry." [gal30b+] 🤖 #LG #AI #SY
📝 Decentralized Multi-Robot Social Navigation in Constrained Environments via Game-Theoretic Control Barrier Functions 🦾🐜
"A novel mixed-Nash-CBF that resolves deadlocks for multiple robots and can be integrated with CBFs to ensure safety while maintaining liveness (deadlock-free navigation)." [gal30b+] 🤖 #RO #GT #MA #SY
⚙️ https://github.com/ut-amrl/social
🔗 https://arxiv.org/abs/2308.10966v1 #arxiv
📝 Deep Reinforcement Learning for Process Design: Review and Perspective 🧠
"Deep reinforcement learning (DRL), a subclass of machine learning, learns through interactions between an agent and an environment to maximize long-term rewards while performing a given task." [gal30b+] 🤖 #LG #SY
📝 Swarm Bug Algorithms for Path Generation in Unknown Environments 🦠🦾
"Works by following the paths generated by the algorithms Com, Bug1, and Bug2, respectively, in an unknown environment cluttered with obstacles and requiring low computational power and memory storage." [gal30b+] 🤖 #NE #RO #SY
📝 Learning to Team-Based Navigation: A Review of Deep Reinforcement Learning Techniques for Multi-Agent Pathfinding 👾🧠🐜🦾
"The multi-agent pathfinding (MAPF) problem aims at generating collision-free paths for multiple agents between the predefined start and goal positions while minimising travel cost and maximising the agents’ throughput." [gal30b+] 🤖 #AI #LG #MA #RO #SY
📝 A Comparison of Classical and Deep Reinforcement Learning Methods for HVAC Control 🧠
"Trains two reinforcement learning agents (Q-Learning and Deep-Q-Networks) on two different HVAC environments and demonstrate how their performance is affected by the reward function and hyper-parameter selection." [gal30b+] 🤖 #LG #SY