Mastodon Server update looks good,
was a bit of a bigger one as I changed from old nix style to nix flakes.
and from 22.11 to 23.05
All looks fine to me, if you have any bugs feel free to ping me.
#syadmin #milliways
It's #Masstodon #POLL time!
In your #production #server
What #OS do you use?
Leave a comment detailing the distro or if it's SUSE.
#debian #rhel #ubuntu #fedora #almalinux #rockylinux #centos #windowsserver #windows #linuxmint #suse #opensuse #polltime #webserver #emailserver #syadmin #webdev #devops #infosec
#masstodon #poll #production #server #os #debian #rhel #ubuntu #fedora #AlmaLinux #RockyLinux #centos #windowsserver #windows #linuxmint #suse #opensuse #polltime #webserver #emailserver #syadmin #webdev #devops #infosec
#life #music #linux #research #linuxadmin #syadmin #operatingsystemadministration #networkadministration #projectmanagement #projectmanagers #opensource
#life #music #linux #research #linuxadmin #syadmin #operatingsystemadministration #networkadministration #projectmanagement #ProjectManagers #opensource
#life #music #linux #research #linuxadmin #syadmin #operatingsystemadministration #networkadministration #projectmanagement #projectmanagers #opensource
#life #music #linux #research #linuxadmin #syadmin #operatingsystemadministration #networkadministration #projectmanagement #projectmanagers #opensource
Well, a cup of strong and hot coffee ☕ and Willie Nelson's numbers 🎶
#life #music #linux #research #linuxadmin #syadmin #opensource #linuxkernel
#life #music #linux #research #linuxadmin #syadmin #opensource #linuxkernel
Well, a cup of strong and hot coffee ☕ and Willie Nelson's numbers 🎶
#life #music #linux #research #linuxadmin #syadmin #opensource #linuxkernel
#life #music #linux #research #linuxadmin #syadmin #opensource #linuxkernel
I'm a stickler for being sure my servers are never missing patches longer than 2 weeks. For the past 5 to 7 years, I have only managed cloud email servers so the vendors handle that for me. Don't forget to patch your on-prem #MicrosoftExchange server! #tech #syadmin
#microsoftexchange #tech #syadmin
Always test also ipv4 and read your logs.
It is temting to only use ipv6 as it make VMs and container handling much easier, but there are also server out there that are not ipv6 capable...
J'évite le corporate ici sur ce flux perso (cf mais comme j'ai vraiment besoin d'un sysadmin ayant un peu d'expérience de production pour venir renforcer mon équipe @LINAGORA Candidature spontanée bienvenue sur #jobs #syadmin #linux
Pas de télétravail durant la période d'essai, travail sur Paris la Défense. Salaire selon expérience / prétention.