"A Father (puzzle)"
Sybille Lacan (1994)
Sybille Lacan was a child of Jacques Lacan from his first marriage. In the 1950s he'd left her mother to shack up with Sylvia Bataille (who'd been Georges Bataille's wife - apparently the three of them remained friend... all very Parisian). So her memory of her father is as a child from the forgotten family.
My lover, who eye rolls my passion for Jacques Lacan, stole my copy of the book and put it on her bookshelf. It is a very affecting interrogation of the daughter's question "What is a Father".
#books #SybilleLacan #JacquesLacan #Lacan #daughter #Father #BookCover #bookstodon
#books #sybillelacan #jacqueslacan #lacan #daughter #father #bookcover #bookstodon