Lucomo · @Lucomo
142 followers · 1688 posts · Server


I love - an easy to use, reliable e-mail client for Linux and Windows with all necessary features:


Last updated 1 year ago

Reed Lindwurm · @reedlindwurm
22 followers · 233 posts · Server

I finally fully set up an on my computer. (I say fully since I had this set up for some time now but only for a subset of my accounts.) For better or worse, it's ; I preferred or but I couldn't get to work while using them. Which is a danged shame, frankly.

Heck, I would have preferred or , even, given how lightweight and super fast their text-based interfaces work, but given the trouble I've had I've concluded I basically need to do with OAuth2 the authentication analogue of having to hand-pollinate plants because of a lack of insect pollinators.

#emailclient #thunderbird #sylpheed #clawsmail #oauth2 #pine #alpine

Last updated 1 year ago

Reed Lindwurm · @reedlindwurm
20 followers · 198 posts · Server

I really need an e-mail client, so I just downloaded Sylpheed. Upon starting it up, the first thing it asks me is where I want my mailbox to be.

I never thought about this before. But, now that I think about it, this was one of the reasons I found Thunderbird annoying to use many years ago. I took its operation for granted, but it just stored my mail someplace deep in my personal folders, and it was annoying to figure out how to move it to another computer. I eventually didn't even bother.

The fact that Sylpheed is asking me is a good sign.

I also tried Sylpheed years ago but for some reason it was slow. Both it and Thunderbird were. Dunno why. Hopefully things are better this time.

Oh, also, is and . I need to use the beta in order to get OAuth2 though, I think. So I'll find out later how well this works.

#sylpheed #opensource #FOSS #emailclient

Last updated 1 year ago

Spiegel · @spiegel
29 followers · 392 posts · Server

そろそろ 止めて に乗り換えようかなぁ。 Thunderbird は GnuPG が事実上使えなくなってるんだよなぁ

#thunderbird #sylpheed

Last updated 2 years ago

Toad :kde: · @toad
650 followers · 675 posts · Server

Da qualche giorno sto provando , un client email "old-style" e piuttosto minimale. Mi sto trovando davvero bene, fa le cose base che mi servono e non ha troppe funzionalità aggiuntive che personalmente non uso e appesantiscono il software.

Voi usate qualche "vecchio" che preferite rispetto a quelli più moderni?

#software #sylpheed

Last updated 2 years ago

Geekland · @geekland
599 followers · 11920 posts · Server
totoroot · @totoroot
327 followers · 2783 posts · Server

And I'm back...

Thanks and , but I just cannot be without Thunderbird :blobfoxheartcute:

#aerc #sylpheed

Last updated 3 years ago

Diego Cordoba 🇦🇷 · @d1cor
514 followers · 2248 posts · Server

@demoakracia Muy bueno , lo usé un par de años también, y funciona excelente. Lo cambié por claws-mail porque éste tiene un desarrollo más activo (sylpheed no se actualiza desde el 2018), y en claws pude configurar los plugins que necesitaba para poder usarlo con comodidad.


Last updated 3 years ago

ᒧᑑ · @MutoShack
-1 followers · 7247 posts · Server

Playing around with and it's cute so far. No mbox support, so I need to figure out how to work with maildir, but it's good.

More importantly... While I was snooping around I also came across which is... Not an Emacs client, but a stand-alone GTK client that /feels/ like Wanderlust...?

It starts in a flash, and it's adorable. I'm just surprised nobody's talking about it!

#wanderlust #sylpheed #email

Last updated 4 years ago

totoroot · @totoroot
327 followers · 2783 posts · Server

Finally found a GUI client I'm happy with. Alongside my TUI mail client of choice (, I will from now on use ( 🎉
After being unhappy with bloated software like , , and I finally found something lightweight that let's me manage a couple accounts on a modern interface without installing a bunch of or dependencies 🙌

#geary #kmail #imap #mail #aerc #sylpheed #thunderbird #evolution #gtk #gnome #plasma

Last updated 4 years ago