#SylvesterMcCoy being interviewed by #SophieAldred at #Whooverville14
#sylvestermccoy #sophiealdred #whooverville14
Very much looking forward to #Whooverville14 this Saturday at the #Quad. Spending a day with lots of nice folk talking about #DoctorWho with #SylvesterMcCoy & #PaulMcGann as headline guests.
#whooverville14 #QUAD #doctorwho #sylvestermccoy #paulmcgann
#doctorwho #7thDoctor #Ace #sylvestermccoy #SophieAldred
Happy Birthday Sophie and Sylv
#sophiealdred #sylvestermccoy #ace #7thdoctor #doctorwho
Happy 80th Birthday to Sylvester McCoy! He portrayed the Seventh Doctor during the final three years of the original run of Doctor Who, 1987-1989. #SylvesterMcCoy #80s #80sTV #DoctorWho #boomtownpodcast
#boomtownpodcast #DoctorWho #80stv #80s #sylvestermccoy
Psst, for the first time, I kinda met and attended a Q&A with a real live actual in the flesh #DoctorWho
#SylvesterMcCoy was an absolute delight, when I say real live, I mean both words in equal amounts of heavy emphasis.
He hopped down from the stage and walked to every questioner with a pantomimed microphone. It was surprisingly intimate and he was, well, delightful really is the best word.
His Q&A was the most entertaining thing I saw all weekend, & it was a pretty entertaining con.
[1973] Vision On - BBC children's series designed specifically for children with hearing impairment. Presented by Pat Keysell, Tony Hart, Sylvester McCoy and David Cleveland.
#OldBritishTelly #VisionOn #PatKeysell #TonyHart #SylvesterMcCoy #DavidCleveland
#OldBritishTelly #visionon #patkeysell #tonyhart #sylvestermccoy #davidcleveland
Which of the winners of my previous polls is the greatest 7th Doctor serial?
#doctorwho #sylvestermccoy #SeventhDoctor #7thdoctor
Which of the winners of my previous polls is the greated 7th Doctor serial?
#doctorwho #sylvestermccoy #SeventhDoctor #7thdoctor
Which is the greatest 7th Doctor serial?
#doctorwho #sylvestermccoy #SeventhDoctor #7thdoctor
Which is the greatest 7th Doctor serial?
#doctorwho #sylvestermccoy #SeventhDoctor #7thdoctor
Which is the greatest 7th Doctor serial?
#doctorwho #sylvestermccoy #SeventhDoctor #7thdoctor
Ich habe es getan und mir tatsächlich zum ersten Mal in meinem Leben eine #DoctorWho -Folge angesehen, in der nicht #SylvesterMcCoy die Hauptrolle spielt.
@SimulacrumVacui hat mich dazu gebracht, #TheMindRobber und seine #Antikenrezeption anzuschauen.
#doctorwho #sylvestermccoy #themindrobber #antikenrezeption
@isis You probably should see the Doctor about that. The 7th Doctor, to be precise. #badpun #SylvesterMcCoy
Had to rewind the Dracula Unearthed documentary when I recognised - initially by voice - a certain very familiar Scottish actor in a clip
#ScottishActors #ScottishFilm #Dracula #Horror #7thDoctor #SeventhDoctor #DrWho #DoctorWho #SylvesterMcCoy #1970sFilms
#1970sfilms #sylvestermccoy #doctorwho #drwho #seventhdoctor #7thdoctor #horror #dracula #scottishfilm #scottishactors
I didn't discover #DoctorWho until I was in college. In #Mississippi, the local #PBS station played four or five episodes at once on Saturday afternoons. A group of us would get together, eat #pizza and #popcorn, and geek out, making our way, week by week, from the #Hartnell years all the way through to #SylvesterMcCoy.
It was all new to us, so we had a lot to explore and enjoy.
I miss those #DoctorWho Saturdays: good friends, guiltless snacking, infinite adventures ahead.
#doctorwho #mississippi #pbs #pizza #popcorn #hartnell #sylvestermccoy
Highly recommend that episode of Vision On to any Seventh Doctor fans who can access the iPlayer - 30 minutes of unfiltered Sylvester McCoy. I guess he was doing a child-friendly version of the kind of thing he did in the Ken Campbell Roadshow
#sylvestermccoy #visionon #DoctorWho
Interesting how similar Sylvester McCoy's outfit is to the "dark jacket" version of his Doctor Who costume
#sylvestermccoy #DoctorWho #visionon
Great to see Sylveste McCoy (as he was then) in action on Vision On!
#sylvestermccoy #visionon #DoctorWho
#TomBaker, #PeterDavison, #ColinBaker, #SylvesterMcCoy, #PaulMcGann, #ChristopherEccleston and #DavidTennant
#bigfinish #davidtennant #ChristopherEccleston #PaulMcGann #sylvestermccoy #colinbaker #peterdavison #tombaker