Sicherheitsupdates: Schwachstellen machen Schutzsoftware von Symantec angreifbar
Symantecs Entwickler haben in Advanced Secure Gateway und Content Analysis mehrere Sicherheitslücken geschlossen.
#security #sicherheitslucken #symantec #updates #news
Jednak niektóre firmy mają powalone systemy. Taki #Norton od #Symantec. Miałem subskrypcję i konto u nich w serwisie. Nagle konto zostało wraz z subskrypcją wyłączone a support nie odnajdował, że takie konto w ogóle było.
Dziś konto ponownie istnieje, subskrypcja jest aktywna i działa poprawnie. Szkoda tylko, że przesiadłem się na lepsze rozwiązanie antywirusowe.
E por falar em programação C para micros clássicos…
#MundoRetro #BasiliskII #LinguagemC #Macintosh #Symantec #Tutorial
#tutorial #symantec #macintosh #linguagemc #basiliskii #mundoretro
Un nuovo malware dal nome Frebniss consente ai criminali informatici di hackerare Microsoft IIS
#Frebniis è stato scoperto dal #Symantec Threat Hunter Team, che ha riferito che aggressori sconosciuti stanno attualmente utilizzando il #malware contro una serie di obiettivi taiwanesi.
Negli attacchi visti da Symantec, gli hacker criminali hanno utilizzato una funzionalità #IIS chiamata Failed Request Event Buffering (#FREB), responsabile della raccolta dei #metadati delle richieste (indirizzo #IP, intestazioni #HTTP, #cookie ).
Il suo scopo è aiutare gli amministratori del server a risolvere i codici di stato HTTP imprevisti o i problemi di elaborazione delle richieste.
#redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #cybersecuritynews #privacy #infosecurity
#frebniis #symantec #malware #iis #FREB #metadati #ip #http #cookie #redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #CyberSecurityNews #privacy #infosecurity
A new threat actor named Clasiopa is targeting materials research organizations in Asia using a distinct set of tools. #Symantec suspects that the #hacking group may have ties to India.
#infosecurity #CyberSecurity #Malware #Hacking #symantec
StackExchange Question: Do I have any better alternatives than (futilely) asking administrators of systems that use Symantec VIP Access to switch to something that doesn't suck?
Me: I feel this pain.
@tffmh A Stage Manager feature discovered yesterday makes it a must-use for me. #Broadcom has a #Symantec Enterprise Division which sells a two-factor-authentication app named “#VIPAccess for iPad.” App Store reviewers have, for years, alerted the company to the issue “this app does not support landscape orientation” and reminding the company that a great many enterprise users are working with an iPad in landscape mode, with a keyboard attached. Stage Manager fixes it.
#broadcom #symantec #vipaccess
Sicherheitsupdate: Symantec Endpoint Protection als Sprungbrett für Angreifer
Aufgrund einer Schwachstelle könnten Angreifer Windows-PCs mit Sicherheitssoftware von Symantec attackieren.
#Patch #Sicherheitslücken #Symantec #SymantecEndpointProtection #Update
#patch #sicherheitslucken #symantec #symantecendpointprotection #update
NortonLifeLock warns that hackers breached Password Manager accounts
#Norton #Symantec #passwordmanagers #passwords #security #breach #securitybreach #NortonLifeLock
#norton #symantec #passwordmanagers #passwords #security #breach #securitybreach #nortonlifelock
First, all #LastPass customers had their barely-encrypted #passwords stolen.
Now, #Norton / #Symantec's password manager has been compromised.
If you use a password manager, ALWAYS use #2FA multi-factor authentication AND a master password of at least 16 random non-memorable characters. Change that password periodically.
It helps, also, to use different answers to your security questions (such as favorite teacher or mother's maiden name) on each website.
#lastpass #passwords #norton #symantec #2fa
First, all #LastPass customers had their barely-encrypted #passwords stolen.
Now, #Norton / #Symantec's password manager has been raided.
If you use a password manager, ALWAYS use #2FA multi-factor authentication AND a master password of at least 16 random non-memorable characters.
It helps, also, to use different answers to your security questions (such as favorite teacher or mother's maiden name) on each website.
#lastpass #passwords #norton #symantec #2fa
Routers to defend against rogue IoT devices #marketing #iot #symantec
So some time back in 2008, #Symantec created "Norton Fighter" (ノートン・ファイター), a character created to promote the Norton Antivirus software, apparently trying to capitalize on the otaku wave at the time.
Can't really tell what sort of audience they were trying to target with it (kids from the Power Ranger era? Aging Ultraman fans?), but gotta appreciate the whole effort behind the creation. There's a whole story behind him!
Curious to know what #EDR solutions people use and the one best / one worst things about them are. #sentinelone #crowdstrike #trendmicro #checkpoint #cybereason #defender #carbonblack #symantec #paloalto #malwarebytes #carbonblack #trellix #sophos #cylance
#edr #sentinelone #crowdstrike #trendmicro #checkpoint #cybereason #defender #carbonblack #symantec #paloalto #malwarebytes #Trellix #sophos #cylance