#RPGADay2023 27) Game you'd like a new EDITION of...
New editions are often a double-edged sword, not always succeeding in satisfying both existing fans and new ones. (i.E. #DnD4, #SR6)
I would like to see diversity promoted and more English translations of international titles. (i.E. #Symbaroum, #INS/#MV, #Blutlust)
Accordingly, I would be happy to see the following translations:
#InNomineSatanis / #MagnaVeritas
#Symbaroum with sensibly revised rules would also be great.
#rpgaday2023 #dnd4 #sr6 #symbaroum #ins #blutlust #cops #bloodlust #InNomineSatanis #magnaveritas
23) COOLEST looking RPG product / book
Have to catch up, because I spent so much time thinking about this yesterday and couldn’t decide. There’s so many incredibly cool looking games out there. #Vaesen, #FateForge, #Symbaroum, #Numenera, #CYBorg, #MörkBorg, the #OSE boxed sets, etc.
I’m going to go with #TheOneRing, though. The art direction for both is different, but I think they’re both equally cool in their own way. They capture the essence of Tolkien and are beautiful books.
#rpgaday2023 #Vaesen #Fateforge #symbaroum #numenera #cyborg #morkborg #OSE #TheOneRing
#rpgaday2023 23) COOLEST looking RPG product / book
In my opinion, stylistically - i.e. design, graphics and production - the Swedish role-playing games are probably in the lead, while the international pioneer #Symbaroum occupies a special position for me.
In general, one can say that the #ttrpg production quality has never been as high as it is today. Even comparatively small productions like #TheBlackSwordHack can look great!!
Some #L5RRPG books are also really neat.
#rpgaday2023 #symbaroum #ttrpg #TheBlackSwordHack #L5RRPG
#rpgaday2023 23. Coolest Looking RPG?
Ganz klar für mich das Artwork von #Symbaroum. https://www.google.com/search?q=symbaroum&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiA_q-A4fKAAxXZhaQKHXPVA2oQ2-cCegQIABAD&oq=symbaroum&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIECCMQJzIECCMQJzIECCMQJzIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEOgcIABATEIAEUOUIWNcRYKMcaABwAHgAgAGNAYgBjAWSAQMyLjSYAQCgAQHAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=TfjlZMCjHNmLkgXzqo_QBg&bih=612&biw=360&client=ms-android-samsung-gs-rev1
My review of #Symbaroum, by #FreeLeague, is premiering at Noon, Eastern US time, today! #TTRPG
/19 Fav published adventure. Impossible Landscapes, Delta Green. Not even close. I am running this for 3 groups and none of them are going even slightly similar ways. It's like one of those plays that changes depending on which thread you follow. Difficult to run but incredibly good. Honorable mention to Free League for Mercy of the Icons (Coriolis) and Throne of Thorns (Symbaroum) for sheer adventure scope, impact and beautiful books.
#rpgaday #deltagreen #FreeLeague #coriolisrpg #symbaroum
OK, I have managed to record my #Symbaroum review so there's a chance I may get this out for Monday! #ttrpg
I’d like to hear from you if you have any suggestions of how to make Symbaroum, especially Davokar, closer to lovecraftian Cosmic Horror. I know Cthulhu Dark and Davokar Dark, but I’m looking for more ambiance insights than system mechanics. #ttrpg #symbaroum #cthulhu #callofcthulu #lovecraft #hplovecraft #horror #cosmichorror
#ttrpg #symbaroum #cthulhu #CallofCthulu #lovecraft #hplovecraft #horror #cosmichorror
I'm thinking of starting a #Patreon or #Kofi to help fund some of my side projects, only problem is that they're different mediums. One is a set of #ttrpg adventures for #Symbaroum. The other is some artistic #portraits based on religious artwork of the Renaissance. For anyone familiar with these sites, how would you suggest going about this? Do #artists and #writers mix and match different projects? Is it best to keep things separate? Which site is better?
#patreon #kofi #ttrpg #symbaroum #portraits #artists #writers
@janpmueller @systemmatters Hätte die dt. Version von #Symbaroum anzubieten oder #Midgard5E (beide Hardcover-Bände: Kodex und Arcanum …. Okay …coole und narrative Ideen findest Du darin nicht…. aber gut) #pnpdeswap
#symbaroum #midgard5e #pnpdeswap
Schöne Übersicht bei #Orkenspalter-Tv über die beiden Versionen von #Symbaroum von Mhaire und Erik.
1st RPG I bought this year was #symbaroum such an effin cool dark setting and amazing artwork! Ever the fan of #GeneWolfe #Numenara and #heavymetalmagazine I also picked up the psychedelic #caravancrawler #UltravioletGrasslands another amazing setting, with top tier art, with a unique system that has a ton of potential
#symbaroum #genewolfe #Numenara #heavymetalmagazine #caravancrawler #UltravioletGrasslands #rpgaday2023
Cintra let Fion take the funky mummified hand off the corpse of the undead general we miraculously managed to defeat last time.
Surely this won't have any unintended consequences.... After all, we just got the SunStone back- right?
If you like what I do, you can find tiers, commissions, and more https://ko-fi.com/A605F6K and patreon.com/AceCasinova
#myart #illustration #fantasy #ttrpg #personalart #Symbaroum #pig #mummifiedhand
#myart #illustration #fantasy #ttrpg #personalart #symbaroum #pig #mummifiedhand
So. Heute Abend steht #symbaroum an. Die Charaktere sind in den Ruinen von Faraah Maroun und suchen den Schlossmechanismus der baugleich zu Karvostis Geheimeingang sein soll. Evtl. kommen sie dann endlich in die tiefen Gänge. Vorbereitungen als #spielleiter
#symbaroum #spielleiter #pnpde
These are the games I am currently most interested in discussing/playing, more or less in order.
#callofcthulhu #riversoflondon #symbaroum #deltagreen #Vaesen #travellermg2e #shadowrun #cyphersystem
In the meantime, I read large parts of the overhyped #dolmenwood preview. As so often in the #OSR scene: A lot of noise about not very much, but this time at least more than the total #MörkBorg bullshit!
#dolmenwood reminds me of a fairytale melange of #Dragonquest's #TheEnchantedWood, the old #RobinHood series and #Symbaroum / #Davokar. Unsurprisingly with a pinch of #Glorantha / #Runequest.
The "elf ladies" in the preview (p. 63) are charming, otherwise not very convincing.
#dolmenwood #osr #morkborg #dragonquest #theenchantedwood #robinhood #symbaroum #Davokar #glorantha #runequest #dnd #OSE
I've had a few people respond to my "what #ttrpg game do you want to play that's not #DnD" with games that I am actively running. If you are interested in playing any of the following hit me up and I'll work on getting a one shot put together for you and your friends:
#ttrpg #DnD #AlienRPG #TheOneRing2e #VaesenRPG #symbaroum
@LeviKornelsen hey there! So, I haven't published anything in a bit, but I'm working on writing some things for #Symbaroum and #VaesenRPG
I GM for #FreeLeague at cons and GM professionally on the side. If you've ever wanted to try a #TTRPG out that isn't D&D reach out and I'll be happy to set up a one shot of any of the following:
#symbaroum #VaesenRPG #FreeLeague #ttrpg #AlienRPG #TheOneRing2e #callofcthulurpg #pathfinder2e #mothershiprpg #dungeoncrawlclassics
with the announced closure of the gauntlet forums, i’ve moved a two of my posts onto my blog. first up is my review of #Symbaroum:
Preparing to continue Symbaroum’s Wrath of the Warden adventure. Tonight the players characters will get to know the Sun Temple and I will do my best to be faithful to the respective part of the adventure. Any tips? #ttrpg #rpg #symbaroum