"#Trans #women will never be #free until #people stop having strong emotions about #penises. Like we, as a #society, have got to stop caring about dicks! #Dicks have to stop #symbolizing #maleness, #obviously, but they also have to stop symbolizing #power, #dominance, #sexual agency and #aggression, #violence, and even #sex itself. Like trans women can’t be free if the very conceptual presence of a penis represents an intrusion(!) of unwanted(!) sexuality(!) in public life. Like that’s why trans women are abhorrent to both #male #chauvinists and #radical #feminists, #because both groups have extremely strong feelings about what a penis *represents*, and find the conceptual and actual presence of a woman with a penis to be simultaneously vile and nonsensical because they’ve loaded so much symbolic baggage onto both women and penises.
Anyway dicks are totally neutral #body parts and seeing a dick, or a bulge in a swimsuit, or simply knowing that there’s a dick somewhere in the same bathroom as you isn’t harmful or violent"
#trans #women #free #people #penises #society #dicks #symbolizing #maleness #obviously #power #dominance #sexual #aggression #violence #sex #male #chauvinists #radical #feminists #because #body