Emmanuel José García · @vanclides88
42 followers · 91 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

If the half-angle formulas are not fundamental, how did Viète derive his formula for π based on them? How is it that the most ingenious substitution in the world (quoting Spivak), namely the Weierstrass substitution, is based on them? If the half-angle formulas are not fundamental, how have I been able to derive the formulas of Heron, Brahmagupta, and Bretschneider, the law of cosines, the law of sines, the law of tangents, the Mollweide formula (or should I say Newton's), the formula for the angle bisector, the formula for the inradius of a mixed-inscribed circle, the sum and difference of angle identities, Euler's triangular inequality, all from them? If the half-angle formulas are not fundamental, how have I been able to generalize the Pythagorean trigonometric identity (with over 2000 years), the Mollweide formula (or should I say Newton's) (with over 300 years), the law of tangents (with over 900 years), and even the very half-angle formulas themselves (with over 2000 years, probably), from them? Don't believe me? Check the link below.

🔗 [drive.google.com/file/d/1EvXiZ]

#symmetrymatters #halfanglesmatter #fundamental #math

Last updated 1 year ago

Emmanuel José García · @vanclides88
42 followers · 90 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

I am grateful that the Ministry of Youth of the Dominican Republic has recognized my half-angled approach! You can see the details of my approach in the link below.

Perhaps young aspiring mathematicians are the best target for my work. The old mathematicians could be very prejudiced.

🔗 [drive.google.com/file/d/1EvXiZ]

#symmetrymatters #halfanglesmatter #math

Last updated 1 year ago

Emmanuel José García · @vanclides88
41 followers · 88 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

Dear friends,

I hope this message finds you all in high spirits and ready for a thrilling mathematical adventure! Today, I am thrilled to share with you a groundbreaking essay that delves into the untapped potential of half-angle formulas and their astonishing applications.

🔗 [drive.google.com/file/d/1wihl_]

In this thought-provoking piece, titled "The Theoretical Importance of Half-Angle Formulas," I explore the remarkable world of these often-overlooked formulas and their far-reaching implications. But before you dive in, let me share a captivating quote by the legendary George Pólya: "An idea which can be used only once is a trick. If one can use it more than once, it becomes a method."

Now, why is this quote relevant to my work, you might ask? Well, my friends, in the realm of mathematics, finding a single result is indeed fascinating, but uncovering a method—a systematic approach that can be employed repeatedly—is truly extraordinary. My essay takes you on a journey through the complexities of discovering and harnessing methods using the half-angle formulas.

Warm regards,
Emmanuel José García.

#essay #symmetrymatters #halfanglesmatter #polya #newapproach #trigonometry #math

Last updated 1 year ago

Emmanuel José García · @vanclides88
41 followers · 83 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

Method vs trick according to George Polya

ChatGPT agrees that my half angle approach is a method rather than a trick.

#symmetrymatters #halfanglesmatter #georgepolya #trigonometry #geometry #math #halfangleapproach #newmethod

Last updated 1 year ago

Emmanuel José García · @vanclides88
41 followers · 83 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

As an amateur mathematician, I believe my most significant finding is the recognition of the central role played by half-angle formulas. Their significance goes beyond the domains of geometry and trigonometry in the plane. Despite their origins dating back to Ptolemy, no one, without exception, had noticed their fundamental connection to other crucial theorems in the systematic manner that I have. I am confident that Conway would have been delighted by my work.

#symmetrymatters #halfanglesmatter #trigonometry #geometry #math

Last updated 1 year ago

Emmanuel José García · @vanclides88
41 followers · 84 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

The half angle formulas should be an object of study by the mathematical community. I don't know why some mathematicians keep quiet. Isn't the evidence I have presented strong enough? Or are you still in the prejudice that nothing significant can be drawn from classical geometry anymore?

#symmetrymatters #halfanglesmatter #geometry #math

Last updated 1 year ago

Emmanuel José García · @vanclides88
41 followers · 83 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

Earlier I had said that the half-angle formulas are an essential ingredient in the derivation of Viète's \(\pi\) formula. According to Eli Maor, Viète's formula marks the beginning of mathematical analysis, and Jonathan Borwein calls its appearance "the dawn of modern mathematics".

The work described in the link is another example of the centrality and versatility of the half-angle formulas (although the authors mistakenly call them double-angle formulas), a centrality that transcends the field of geometry and trigonometry in the plane.


#symmetrymatters #halfanglesmatter #trigonometry #geometry #math

Last updated 1 year ago

Emmanuel José García · @vanclides88
40 followers · 76 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

My wake-up call for the extraordinary explanatory power of half-angle formulas has reached 3,000 views on MathSE. Are the half angle formulas more fundamental than the Pythagorean theorem or the law of cosines?

#symmetrymatters #halfanglesmatter #geometry #trigonometry #math

Last updated 2 years ago