Zum #Insektensamstag ein Bild von Ende letzten Sepembers.
Eine Große #Heidelibelle , (eigentlich ein Großer Heidelibeller), der die letzten Sonnenstrahlen genießt.
#smartphonephotography #handyfotografie #sympetrumstriolatum #heidelibelle #insektensamstag
Un Pixaví Estriat (Sympetrum striolatum) domina el seu entorn des d'aquest punt per tal de sortir volant quan vegi un insecte del seu grat.
One Common darter (Sympetrum striolatum) dominates its environment from this point in order to fly away when it sees an insect it likes.
#sympetrumstriolatum #odonata #anisoptera #dragonfly #insects #insectes #insectos #entomology #inaturalist #macrophotography #macro #photography #nature #biodiversity #natura #naturaleza #olympus
#olympus #sympetrumstriolatum #odonata #anisoptera #dragonfly #insects #insectes #insectos #entomology #inaturalist #macrophotography #macro #photography #nature #biodiversity #natura #naturaleza
Dragonflies eyes are made up of about 30,000 ommatidia, with a single blind spot behind their head. They feed on mosquitoes and other small insects. This image belongs to Sympetrum striolatum
#sympetrumstriolatum #odonata #anisoptera #dragonfly #insects #insectes #insectos #entomology #inaturalist #macrophotography #macro #photography #nature #biodiversity #natura #naturaleza #olympus
#sympetrumstriolatum #odonata #anisoptera #dragonfly #insects #insectes #insectos #entomology #inaturalist #macrophotography #macro #photography #nature #biodiversity #natura #naturaleza #olympus