@revealingtoomuch I was tempted to say #KingOfFighters15 or #SymphonyOfWar or #HaloInfinite but my opinion hs changed.
It's definitely #StreetFighter6 hands down. It demands consideration and offers engagement for both fighting game vets and casual gamers alike in a way I've never seen a fighting game do
#kingoffighters15 #symphonyofwar #haloinfinite #streetfighter6
So part of the fun for #IndieGames to me has been stumbling accross #PC #VideoGames that draw clear inspiration from games i grew up with
#Wargroove feels like a love letter to #AdvanceWars
#SymphonyOfWar feels like #OgreBattle64
#CasseteBeasts plays like a child of #Digimon and #pokemon
Hell, even #Skullgirls is pretty open with it's #MarvelVsCapcom2 vibes
There's dozens others i'm sure. So what ones have you fallen into? What's scratching that #Retro #InnerChild vibe for you right now?
#indiegames #pc #videogames #wargroove #advancewars #symphonyofwar #ogrebattle64 #cassetebeasts #digimon #pokemon #skullgirls #marvelvscapcom2 #retro #innerchild
In theory this sounds great. More classic fire emblem. In reality, after falling asleep while playing Awakening i may have to accept that #FireEmblem is no longer for me. Maybe it's the prospect of firing up the #nintendoswitch again that i find so undesirable
That reminds me that i need to return to #symphonyofwar which has a bad story and fun gameplay
#fireemblem #nintendoswitch #symphonyofwar
A couple of posts on #videogames coming up as I think back on 2022. It's been an interesting year. I love Tactical RPGs, but the genre has been on life support for ages with only #FireEmblem & #XCom remaining.
But this year: #SymphonyOfWar, #TacticsOgreReborn, #KingArthur, #LostEidolons, #MarvelMidnightSuns, #DiofieldChronicle, #ExpeditionsRome ... some of them are very classic, some are very innovative. Not all were great, but as a whole I've really been enjoying the revival of the genre.
#videogames #fireemblem #xcom #symphonyofwar #TacticsOgreReborn #KingArthur #losteidolons #marvelmidnightsuns #diofieldchronicle #expeditionsrome
I will be strong and resist another #Steam sale. I have enough to play.
Ohhhh...but #SymphonyOfWar and #30XX are on sale....No! No! I can wait!