Charlotte Kirchhoff-Lukat · @charlottekl
278 followers · 514 posts · Server

1/2: I am thinking and reading about the of manifolds with (equivalence classes of sequences of) Lagrangian relations as morphisms; originally proposed by Weinstein and formalised by Wehrheim and Woodward.
Here's a nice paper by Weinstein that both explains the WW construction and gives a nice description of the morphisms:

#math #symplectic #category #todaysmath

Last updated 2 years ago

I learned from Jon Brett about physicist David 's colleague Basil Hiley Their distinction between implicate and explicate order seems to appear in my study of s. The Sheffer constraint of exponentiality yields an implicate order of of a set whereas orthogonality yields 5 possible explicate orders upon . Also curious how they use ,real and . ?

#bottperiodicity #symplectic #cliffordalgebra #measurement #partition #polynomial #sheffer #orthogonal #Bohm

Last updated 2 years ago

JMLR · @jmlr
635 followers · 144 posts · Server

'Discrete Variational Calculus for Accelerated Optimization', by Cédric M. Campos, Alejandro Mahillo, David Martín de Diego.

#variational #symplectic #optimization

Last updated 2 years ago

Charlotte Kirchhoff-Lukat · @charlottekl
215 followers · 282 posts · Server

I am returned from my winter holiday (including a holiday away from social media)!
is mostly very elemental stuff: I am helping two undergraduates read Marsden & Ratiu's "Introduction to Mechanics and Symmetry", accompanied by the lecture notes "Geometry and Mechanics by Mehta.
They are learning about Hamiltonian mechanics and the underlying geometric structures - symplectic structures/ Poisson brackets - for the first time.

#mechanics #symplectic #geometry #math #todaysmath

Last updated 2 years ago

Charlotte Kirchhoff-Lukat · @charlottekl
173 followers · 227 posts · Server

is still the for log surfaces.
Log symplectic structures on oriented closed surfaces are one of the relatively few classes of that are fully classified:
The classification was done by Olga Radko in this paper, where they are called topologically stable Poisson structures (since their degeneracy locus is stable under small perturbation).
The paper is self-contained and readable with few prerequisites, have a look!

#manifold #poisson #symplectic #fukayacategory #todaysmath

Last updated 2 years ago

Charlotte Kirchhoff-Lukat · @charlottekl
133 followers · 176 posts · Server

So, is figuring out the higher operation in the for a real log surface, meaning a surface with a particular "nice" singularity on a collection of embedded circles. These circles divide the surface into multiple symplectic components, but the components are not all separate! They interact with each other in the Fukaya category.

#symplectic #fukayacategory #todaysmath

Last updated 2 years ago

Charlotte Kirchhoff-Lukat · @charlottekl
116 followers · 147 posts · Server

To start, I am working on 2-dimensional "universes" like the disc with boundary, which are not strictly speaking GC, but similar enough to be useful.
describes how to define for so-called log- surfaces. I am currently finishing off the full description of the category of branes in this setting, so keep your eyes open! 🙂

#symplectic #cohomology #floer #preprint #explainingmyresearch

Last updated 2 years ago

Charlotte Kirchhoff-Lukat · @charlottekl
110 followers · 135 posts · Server

/ /#MirrorSymmetry people, if you are out there: What is your favourite introduction/overview of the of \(A_{\infty}\) -categories, specifically with regards to embedding them in Twisted Complexes, sets of (split) generators etc?
I've been working with all of these concepts for a while, but bee muddling through a lot. Sources are either fairly inexplicit or a 300-page book on homological algebra.

#categorytheory #math #homologicalalgebra #category #fukaya #symplectic

Last updated 2 years ago

But and structures appear in many contexts beyond classical mechanics: , and the study of symmetries (via groups) come to mind.

#lie #stringtheory #quantization #poisson #symplectic #explainingmyresearch

Last updated 2 years ago

Broadly speaking, I study and geometry, which, at their core, is the geometry of mechanics and . A physical system is described a number of positional and momentum degrees of freedom, which together form an even-dimensional phase space equipped with a Poisson bracket, an operation on functions/physical quantities. This Poisson bracket on the phase space encodes the dynamic behaviour of the system.

#dynamics #symplectic #poisson #explainingmyresearch

Last updated 2 years ago