morgandawn · @morgandawn
402 followers · 2536 posts · Server

" Testing.

If you get a negative…

False negatives at the beginning of infection are very common, thanks to the virus mutating. In a recent study, & tests only agreed 47-58% of the time. If they did agree, there was a 1-8 day delay between a PCR turning positive & an antigen test turning positive.

The higher we are in a wave, the more skeptical you should be of a negative result. There are 2 things you can do to help reduce false negatives

Swab throat & salvia. These are positive days before the nose.

Repeat testing. 2 tests within 48 hours catch 92% of cases & 39% of cases. 3 tests 48 hours apart detected 94% of symptomatic & 57% of asymptomatic patients.

If you get a positive…
Positives are positives. You’re infectious.

The faintness of a line provides clues, though:

Very bold line= you’re very contagious.

Barely see the line= you’re at the beginning or the end of your infection window."



#covid #antigen #PCR #symptomatic #asymptomatic

Last updated 1 year ago

Auscandoc · @auscandoc
766 followers · 5978 posts · Server “In this multi-center prospective test-negative case-control study in Japan, the effectiveness of both BA.1-containing and BA.4/BA.5-containing COVID#19 against during the BA.5-dominant period was high compared to no vaccination (65% and 76%) and moderate compared to vaccines administered over half a year before (46% combined).”

#bivalent #mrna #vaccines #symptomatic #infection #monovalent

Last updated 1 year ago

Ms. Opossum is burnt out. · @anarchodelphis
445 followers · 556 posts · Server

patients also infected a higher proportion of contacts than ones (44.2% vs. 36.4%).

The authors speculate that 0-9y/os being more often unvaccinated & requiring more frequent interactions at home, was the reason why they were so infectious.

#symptomatic #asymptomatic #covid19

Last updated 2 years ago

Colin Sullender · @shiruken
107 followers · 497 posts · Server

The bivalent mRNA boosters from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna cut the infection risk from the predominant COVID-19 strain by nearly half according to early data published by the CDC.

The updated boosters were 48% effective against symptomatic infection with the XBB/XBB.1.5 variant in persons aged 18-49 years compared to fully vaccinated individuals (2-4 monovalent doses) with no bivalent booster dose. Protection was slightly reduced in older groups: 40% effective in adults ages 50 to 64 and 43% effective in adults 65 and older.

These preliminary results indicate the bivalent vaccines provide additional protection and that everyone should stay up to date with recommended COVID-19 vaccines.


#COVID19 #SarsCoV2 #vaccine #vaccination #mRNA #pfizer #BioNTech #Moderna #publichealth #prevention #infection #effectiveness #cdc #symptomatic #booster

Last updated 2 years ago