Another thoughtful/engaging conversation thread via @allisonwyss & @Pagini
They go deeper than the "what is your writing process" thing.
How I love good talk like this. Makes me wish I could meet up with you both at some coffee shop. 🙂 ☕️
p.s. I have synaesthesia so "seeing" when I write has multiple levels. 👁👁🧠
#WritingCommunity #AmWriting #synaesthete #synaesthesia #synesthesia
#synesthesia #synaesthesia #synaesthete #amwriting #writingcommunity
A, F, L, H, X, 4, and # are green and nothing you say can convince me otherwise! #Synesthesia #Synaesthesia #Synesthete #Synaesthete
#synaesthete #Synesthete #synaesthesia #synesthesia
Introductory hashtags:
#self-care #NorCal #Bisexual #Queer #Aromantic #SingleParent #TransRights #reproductivejustice #insurancesales #Romani #synaesthete #synaesthesia #cancersurvivor #MeToo #KinkPositive #SexPositive #Writer #Pokémon #Marvel #Comics #Pathfinder #Nerdgames #punk #RockBand #poet #TransParenting #LGBT #Fat #ADHD #autism #Horror #Community #polyamory #leftist #BlackLivesMatter #anarchist #Sense8 #chef
etc. This is a living document I'll add to later
#self #norcal #bisexual #queer #aromantic #singleparent #transrights #ReproductiveJustice #insurancesales #romani #synaesthete #synaesthesia #cancersurvivor #metoo #KinkPositive #sexpositive #writer #pokémon #Marvel #comics #pathfinder #Nerdgames #punk #RockBand #poet #TransParenting #lgbt #fat #adhd #autism #horror #community #polyamory #leftist #blacklivesmatter #anarchist #Sense8 #chef