

Over a decade ago, i was super-excited about . I was thrilled when it seemed South Australia was going to get Straya's first one. The retired engineer in me felt sure that once all the ignoramuses had a chance to see one in action, another layer of scepticism & denial would fall away.

Alack, alas... the SA project failed before even reaching the starting line [finance bullshit; i mean, it's not like we're in an existential race, or anything, ffs!]. Then, braindead Straya began voting-in COALition misgovernments, so ofc no progressive ideas ever had a chance of a look-in, anymore.

Now, i read this, which just fills me with even more despair. That thing that i'd sincerely believed in, excited by its thermodynamic integrity & leverage of well-understood existing technology, & eventual/inevitable public + govt acceptance & support, now seems like just another poisoned chalice. Just one more way humans can fsck-over , even when actually trying to do something genuinely good.


#moltensalt #solarthermal #renewableenergy #steamturbine #synchronousgeneration #gaia #wearetotallyfscked

Last updated 1 year ago