Overview of Mastodon accounts in #Wikidata with #Synia: https://synia.toolforge.org/#mastodon
@fnielsen @wdscholia This is terrific! I wasn’t familiar with #synia I clearly need to tag more images with bandstrings. https://synia.toolforge.org/#depictedfeature/Q48047797
@PKM @wdscholia In #Synia there is now an aspect for depicted feature (though with not much information). Example with old age: https://synia.toolforge.org/#depictedfeature/Q191089
@PKM @wdscholia In #Synia there is now an overview of depicted features: https://synia.toolforge.org/#depictedfeature
@PKM @wdscholia In #Synia I have added an artwork aspect. Example: https://synia.toolforge.org/#artwork/Q3135789 We could move that to #Scholia.