What is "Synodality" in context of the Catholic Church? What is the official definition and what do the official documents say? And do you know of good resources that expound on these?
#catholic #synodality #Synodal #synod
Bei der Bischofssynode werden erstmals auch eine größere Zahl von Laien teilnehmen. Doch die päpstliche Namensliste sorgt für Unmut unter deutschen Reformkatholiken. #Vatikan #synod https://www.katholisch.de/artikel/46100-weltsynode-scharfe-kritik-an-personalauswahl-des-papstes
Die #Weltsynode weckt große Erwartungen, doch ein Blick zurück auf das Erste Vatikanische #Konzil lässt Valerie Judith Mitwali nachdenklich werden. #synod
Eine "typisch katholische Synodalität" müsse gefunden werden. Die müsse aber "auch den Primat des #Petrus in der #katholisch|en #Tradition einschließen."
#petrus #katholisch #tradition #Weltsynode #synod
#Papst #Franziskus lädt zur Weltbischofssynode ein. Erstmals sind auch Laien stimmberechtigt. Dahinter steckt ein Prinzip des Papstes, kommentiert Christof Haverkamp. #synod #Weltsynode
#Papst #franziskus #synod #Weltsynode
As we commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the Saint John XXIII Encyclical #PacemInTerris, let us remind that the essential conditions for peace reside in four precise requirements of the human spirit: truth, justice, love and freedom.
#Synod #NoWar https://twitter.com/synod_va/status/1645684453103095808?s=46&t=Qf8AaF8unbqJT0m7WTvEVA
In #SynodOrlando2023 participants are trying to discern what does it mean to enlarge the Tent. Let’s see what Bishop Flores and sr Leticia tell us.
#synod #ListeningChurch #WalkingTogether https://twitter.com/synod_va/status/1626238703613128709?s=12&t=LusWuIZTPE_Soc_rtsf-DA
#synodorlando2023 #synod #listeningchurch #WalkingTogether
Really pleased to see Synod vote for this. These proposals are a sorry sticking plaster towards real inclusion of LGBT+ people in the Church, but this is a step forward at least.
RT @synod
THE MAIN MOTION in the Living in Love and Faith debate is CARRIED with the following votes recorded
Bishops 36 for, 4 against, 2 abstained
Clergy 111 for, 85 against, 3 abstained
Laity 103 for, 92 against, 5 abstained
She's absolutely right. Deep shame on all the #bishops. If #schism is the only solution then so be it. Tear the whole institution apart and rebuild with actual love as the foundation, not this tiresome bigotry. It's destroying and even ending lives.
#BBC News: Sandi Toksvig: I can't let the #Church of England hurt #LGBT people
#SandiToksvig #CofE #Synod #Anglican
BBC News - Sandi Toksvig: I can't let the Church of England hurt LGBT people
#anglican #synod #cofe #SandiToksvig #lgbt #church #bbc #schism #bishops
Opinion: The #SynodOnSynodality is merely a vehicle for various #leftcath hobbyhorses. Here's why there should be a #synod on my peculiar hobbyhorses instead.
via #CatholicNewsAgency, an #EWTN company
#synodonsynodality #leftcath #synod #catholicnewsagency #ewtn
#BeHonest! Take our #HonestChurch quiz to discover your LGBTQ+ welcome:
https://scm.outgrow.us/behonest #Synod
#behonest #honestchurch #synod
From Peter #Tatchell:
Protest (peacefully) this Wednesday 8.30am -
The #ChurchofEngland #CofE General #Synod meets this Wednesday to confirm its homophobic stance against #LGBT+ people & relationships.
Stop #Anglican discrimination! Demand marriage equality!
Meet 8.30am sharp, Wednesday 8 February, outside the entrance to Church House in Deans Yard (to the right of Westminster Abbey), London, SW1P 3JS, as Synod members arrive
#ChurchofEngland #cofe #synod #lgbt #anglican #tatchell
Lots of work on the #HonestChurch campaign this week in the form of content creation and collating impact stories. Watch this space next week 👀 #Synod @scm
The pro-#Russian magicians of the #UOC #MP were offended by the #sanctions and jokes directed at them.
The #Synod of the #Ukrainian #Orthodox Church of the #Matskov #Patriarchate demands the unblocking of the activities of the #sanctioned dioceses, and also wants a public apology for jokes about religion.
The Third Force
#Sanctioned #patriarchate #matskov #orthodox #ukrainian #synod #sanctions #MP #UOC #Russian